Catalyst Space Joins The Maker Movement Against COVID-19

A local makerspace is stepping up to the challenge faced by our current medical system but needs your help.

Catalyst Space
2 min readMar 25, 2020

We want to believe that as a nation we are prepared to meet the current challenges ahead of us with the COVID-19 epidemic. If other countries are to be a warning to us, there may be a time in the near future where the essential personal protective equipment (PPE) will be in short supply. To fill this gap, we have seen a recent surge from the maker community to manufacture PPE with on open-source, community-driven, designs.

The maker community often congregates with other makers at makerspace, a physical space with tools and resources that aid in their endeavors. Among these makerspaces is Catalyst Space located in the heart of downtown Altoona Pennsylvania. Catalyst Space, like many other makerspaces, have a number of 3D printers available to their members. While their members are at home practicing safe social distancing, the core staff at Catalyst Space have taken it upon themselves to put the 3D printers to work by making a stockpile of PPE for when it is needed.

Completed Face Shield and Parts Manufactured at Catalyst Space

Catalyst Space has reached out to UPMC Altoona, Mount Nittany Medical Center and AMED to confirm how many face shields each of these organizations would need. They ask that you share this with any other health professionals who may be in a similar situation. It is truly incredible to see the community coming together to support one another during a time like this.

A 3D Printer at Catalyst Space

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, all the work to date in creating these face shields has been voluntary including the donation of material. Catalyst Space is looking to raise at least $5,000 in order to produce upwards of 1,500 masks and face shields that will be needed in the coming weeks. Any excess funds raised will go back to supporting STEM clubs and classes once they are able to return to normal operations.

If you are able to support their efforts, they ask that you use the following link to make a donation:

As a result of the overwhelming community support in sharing this information, Catalyst Space asks to submit any PPE needs and/or related questions by emailing them at



Catalyst Space

Catalyst Space is an Open-Access workshop and incubator in Altoona, PA with the necessary tools and resources to inspire the next generation.