How to Take Yoga Off the Mat

3 quick practices to reduce anxiety and stress

Stephanie Hilborn


by Stephanie Hilborn

bady abbas for Unsplash

Balance is a perpetual pursuit. It is not a series of poses done on a mat. It is a constant recalibration between “productivity” and listening to your heart. Can those be one in the same? In an ideal world, yes. The reality though is that they are not always as close of friends as you would like them to be.

Without balance, resilience is impossible. To master balance, perspective is the path. This is easier said than done for most because we often cannot see we have lost balance or perspective after we have gone a bit off kilter. Perhaps that comes from the energies around us or being overly immersed in one thing over another. Instead of seeing it like a failure, the invitation is to walk in this place of play.

Healing and blossoming into who you were born to be is not for the faint of heart. It involves tremendous tenacity and commitment to your inner truth to walk this path. We often get stuck or unable to move on in the day because — although we don’t realize it — we feel unsafe.

The trick to motivating to keep moving involves outsmarting our trauma response and shutdown valve that happens at a physiological level.



Stephanie Hilborn
Writer for

Founder | Transformational Coach | Holistic Healer — A SF native and speaker on global spiritual ecology & decolonization.