How Catappult helped Megasoft78 Increase Downloads and Revenue

A Catappult Case Study (Infographic)

Catappult Official
5 min readMar 14, 2019

In this developer case study, we’ll explain how the Catappult strategy helped Megasoft78 increase his downloads and revenue by 4x.

Megasoft78 is the creator of Word Jungle, a highly entertaining and addictive free word puzzle game. As an indie developer, he wanted to reach more users and gain higher visibility for his game. By integrating Word Jungle into Catappult, Megasoft78 managed to reach millions of users without a second of downtime.

Read below to find out how this indie developer was able to reach these results.

Major Challenges — Seeking a more Fair and Transparent Alternative for App Distribution

Even after distributing the game Word Jungle in several top app stores including Google Play and the Apple App Store, Megasoft78 still felt that his app did not get as much visibility as it should or reach as many users as expected — given the scalability of the stores that he was partnering with.

Furthermore, Megasoft78 was unhappy about the fragmented process (multiple APK’s) which generated many complexities, unfair monetization (low average revenue per user), and, poor ROI given all of his efforts.

The reality is that like Megasoft78, most developers are affected by the current ecosystem that does not benefit them, and only benefits top app stores, such as Google Play. This means that in a closed market, these app stores can impose margins and set their own distribution rules. As a result, not only do in-app purchases (IAP) turn out to be mostly inaccessible to millions of users — especially the ones in emerging markets — but the payout rate offer is around 70% — which is not fair given that the developers, such as Megasoft78, do most of the work, and as such, should be better benefited for it.

What Megasoft78 needed was a one-stop-shop solution that would help him reach millions of users all while benefiting from a better payout rate of in-app revenue. That’s when he heard about Catappult, the world’s first blockchain app distribution platform.

The Solution — Increase User Base, Earn More From In-App Purchases

As soon as Megasoft78 learned about Catappult Console and the benefits the platform offers developers, he felt eager to join: “As an early developer, I feel excited to be on the vanguard of this new technology before its mass adoption.

Catappult started working with Megasoft78 to provide what he felt was missing: more visibility towards his app and more transparency and fairness when it came to his revenue share.

From the moment Megasoft78 joined Catappult he was able to experience a new safe and secure quality platform where he could efficiently manage and distribute his app without time-consuming one-to-one integrations.

The reason for this is because all developers that join Catappult can distribute to millions of users in top Android app stores with a single APK and a single account. Catappult automatically integrates AppCoins billing SDK with zero coding efforts from the developers’ side.

Moreover, Catappult offered Megasoft78 priority on search and editorial featuring of his app Word Jungle, which means that the app got higher visibility in the app stores where it was being distributed. In addition, since the AppCoins wallet offers an easy payment solution for in-app purchases with the support of APPC, major Credit Cards and PayPal, it allowed more users — especially the ones in emerging markets — to be able to perform in-app purchases.

With that, Megasoft78 was able to obtain what he was looking for: more visibility towards his app to a wide range of interested users in multiple Android app stores and his revenue share increased by 11%.

As he stated: “I gained more visibility for my apps and, since Catappult offers at least 81% of in-app revenue to developers, the monetization possibilities were much better!

In addition to that, by joining Catappult, Megasoft78 was able to participate in the Developers Incentives Program, that allows developers who integrate Catappult’s billing solution to monetize and get rewards in the form of APPC. Another way to increase revenue-share.

Most importantly, because Catappult is regulated by Blockchain technology, there are no hidden fees, no middlemen and no fraud, which means that transactions are made with full transparency. In addition, revenue share is paid within minutes to the developer accounts’ wallets.

The Results

Since joining Catappult back in September 2018, Megasoft78 has been able to reach millions of users in top Android app stores such as Aptoide, Cherry Mobile and Multilaser — which combined, cater to over 250 million active users from around the world.

The fact that Catappult offered more visibility to Word Jungle than other app stores such as Google Play, resulted in Megasoft78 increasing the number of downloads of his app. In fact, according to the information provided by Megasoft78 himself, Word Jungle was downloaded on average 3,5x more than it did on Google Play — on a monthly basis — since joining.

Given the short time frame, since Megasoft78 joined Catappult, so far, 71.1% of Word Jungle’s 11,938 monthly downloads come from Catappult alone.*

More importantly, the rise in the number of downloads led Megasoft78 to earn 4x more revenue share than on Google Play, and given that Catappult offers at least 81% of the in-app revenue, Megasoft78’s revenue share increased substantially to around 71%.

At the moment Megasoft78 is distributing the app Word Jungle in several app stores (Google Play, IOS, Amazon and Catappult) which has led him to earn around $6,652 since September — 74.4% of the total, comes from Catappult Console.*

This partnership is working for Megasoft78 since in only four months he was already able to witness an increase of both the number of downloads and revenue share when it comes to the distribution of his app Word Jungle.

Catappult is an easy-to-use platform that allows developers to access new opportunities to monetize their apps quickly. Since joining I have seen great results and look forward to keeping on improving them in the future with Catappult,” said Megasoft78.

*Information provided by Megasoft78.

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