How to Upload and Certify Apps in Catappult

Catappult Official
2 min readMay 20, 2019


Your app is finally ready and, after all the hard work and probably many sleepless nights, it’s time to start collecting the rewards. And the more the merrier, right?

This is when Catappult comes in! By using the platform to distribute and monetize your app — free of charge — , you cam reaching more than 250 million users around the world through multiple app stores. Especially those in markets who have a mobile phone, but don’t have access to a credit card or PayPal account.

This is possible thanks to AppCoins; an open protocol based on blockchain technology that unlocked the world of in-app purchases to billions of users.

Here’s everything you need to do in order to upload your apps and certify them on Catappult. Ready to have your apps take the world by storm? Just follow these steps:

1. Uploading apps

If you already have a Catappult account, log in or sign up to create one. Then, find the button ‘ADD APP’ in the top left corner.

Follow the steps and provide all the necessary details. During this process, you’ll get the public key needed to monetize your app and have access to all of the IAP in your game.

2. Certifying apps

For your safety, we go through a procedure to confirm that you are the app developer. This avoids third parties from distributing your game or benefiting from your apps without your consent.

Here’s how you can certify your app (via Android Developer ID):

Upload an app into Catappult using the same email address as when the app was distributed in the Google Play Store.

This means that, when you upload an app, we check it on other app stores and if the email addresses matches, we can confirm that you are the legit owner.

To prove you’re the legit owner, you can sign an APK with the same signature as the app you are trying to certify.

To do so, you’ll have to download a dummy APK, sign it, and upload it again. Make sure you use the same signature as in the app you are certifying.

3. Waiting for approval

It usually takes a couple of weeks for your app’s certification request to be reviewed by the Catappult team. In the meantime, you can change the app’s information such as title, description, and screenshots if you wish. You may also submit new apps and request their certification.

Discover how many users your apps can reach with Catappult by joining now!



Catappult Official

The World’s First Blockchain App Distribution Solution. Unleash Your Apps. Reach Millions.