Current Transformer Installing

Catech China
2 min readOct 23, 2017


Current Transformers are an imperative piece in metering and current observing applications. Current transformers are regularly utilized as a part of metering and defensive transfers in the electrical power industry. Also, it is critical that the present transformers be introduced effectively for the whole procedure to work appropriately.

Each current transformer has extremity markings on it (even power transformers). These are usually called H1 and X1. A present transformer is twisted with the goal that when essential current enters H1, at that point auxiliary current leaves X1. In this manner, current transformers ought to be introduced with the H1 side pointing towards the power source.

Current transformers are for the most part situated in the principle breaker board or in branch dispersion boards where space is dependably at a premium. Since current transformers don’t need to be introduced 90° to the transmitter run (the channels/wires can experience the present transformer at any edge), they are by and large held set up with plastic tie wraps or other comparable gadgets. Current transformers with mounting feet are likewise accessible if appearance is essential or if there is sufficient room in the board to oblige this kind of mounting. In the event that a CT test switch is utilized, the switch must have a “make-before-break” contact example to guarantee that the present transformers are not open-circuited amid progress.

Regularly current transformers ought NOT be introduced on “HOT” administrations. The power ought to be disengaged amid establishment. In any case, frequently this isn’t conceivable because of basic loads that can’t be closed down. Split-center current transformers are an awesome answer for this! Be that as it may, even split-center current transformers ought NOT be introduced on “HOT” uninsullated transport bars under ANY conditions!

By no means may the auxiliary circuit of a current transformer be opened when current is streaming in the essential circuit. The voltage produced in the essential winding is ventured up by the turns-proportion of the present transformer (commonly by a factor of a few hundred). The voltage in the essential winding can achieve a few thousand volts in a small amount of a moment if the secondaries are made open-circuit while current is streaming in the circuit being metered. Such high voltages can be risky to faculty and can make genuine harm the transformer or gear associated with it. Such harm may not be instantly self-evident, but rather will absolutely prompt wrong operation of the hardware.

CATECH can offer Current Transformer Core solution for replacing the silicon steel core. Our DC immune tape wound cores for Smart Meters are based on the nanocrystalline material.

Related Reading: Amorphous Transformer Cores, Common Mode Core

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