How to Read with Focused Intention

Catelyn Silapachai
The Shadow
Published in
4 min readJan 6, 2020


Photo by Element5 on Pexels

At the start of the new year, I typically set a reading goal of around 75 books. I usually meet or exceed this goal at year-end. This has been my comfortable reading capacity for years. However, with the birth of my daughter last year, my ability to read was greatly limited for the first time, and my thoughts on setting reading goals have shifted.

I’ve always had a more is better mentality when it comes to books. But recently, I have begun to see the wisdom of reading the right book at the right time. One of my favorite adages is: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” A book is most impactful and enjoyable when it is read at the right juncture in our lives.

In my quest to read increasingly more, I’ve since paused to ask myself several questions. What is the point of reading a self-help or professional development book if I think “Hmm, that was interesting!” and talk about it at dinner parties, but don’t actually implement anything that I learned? How many times have I been guilty of this? (Hint: too many.) Why would I read a novel for pleasure, but I’m so focused on finishing it quickly that I don’t enjoy it? My answers to these questions were sobering and caused me to re-evaluate how I approach reading.

Instead of counting books, I have a few suggestions for more mindful reading that have greatly helped me navigate…



Catelyn Silapachai
The Shadow

I write about books, parenting, politics, and religion. I live in Austin, Texas with my husband, daughter, dogs, and plants.