How to: Send HTML emails with the Intercom Conversations API šŸ“®

A short tutorial

Cathal Horan
3 min readOct 20, 2017

A common use case for our Conversations API is to send emails ā€” often with HTML formatting ā€” via the API. In this quick tutorial weā€™ll show you how to send a message using the Conversations API, and which HTML formats can be used.

Weā€™re using the Node SDK for our examples, but you can use any of our SDKs in the same way šŸ‘Œ

First: Messages vs. Conversations endpoints

You might notice that there are two endpoints that you can use to talk to customers: and

Letā€™s quickly cover the differences:

  • If youā€™re initiating contact with a new message ā€” for example, sending out an announcement email ā€” then youā€™ll use the ā€˜messagesā€™ endpoint.
  • Once the initial message is sent and you want to send a reply or take an action on the conversation (like closing it), youā€™ll use the ā€˜conversationsā€™ endpoint.

Each part or reply within a conversation is a message, so essentially messages make up conversations.

So, now that weā€™ve got that covered, letā€™s get on with sending an email message to a lead.

Sending a message

Weā€™re starting a new conversation, so we need to use the ā€˜messagesā€™ endpoint. In most cases, you will send messages to customers as an admin.

Hereā€™s the Node code for sending an HTML email message to a lead via the API:

Sending an email to a lead, from an admin

Alternatively, we could have chosen to send this as an in-app message. Which you choose will depend on your own use case, but just be aware of some differences in the POST body for each type ā€” for example, you donā€™t need a ā€˜subjectā€™ attribute when sending an in-app message.

What HTML can be used?

Weā€™ve included some basic HTML formats in the example above. Whilst we donā€™t support the HTML Style attribute, you can include some basic HTML as weā€™ve shown.

Those include:

  • Headers and paragraphs
  • Ordered and unordered Lists
  • Bold/italics/highlighted/underscored
  • Tables
  • Images

Hereā€™s what the message example above looks like:

An example of supported HTML

Next time: Retrieving conversations

This should give you a good idea of how to send HTML emails.

Next, you may want to retrieve the messages youā€™ve sent, for example to see who you sent them to or whoā€™s responded. Weā€™ll cover how to do that in our next post, coming soon!

If thereā€™s anything else youā€™d like to see or you have any question,s let us know in the comments or tweet us at @intercomdevs šŸ‘

And in the meantime, you can check out our docs to discover many more features of the Conversations API.



Cathal Horan

Developer Support Engineer at Intercom. Marathon running, existentialist techie. Twitter @cathalhoran