Python: the Language That Will Make You Love Programming

Atharv Chauhan
5 min readJan 17, 2023



Programming languages are like any other tool: the best ones come with a certain amount of practice and intuition, but there’s no reason you can’t learn the basics right off the bat. That’s why I recommend learning Python as your first programming language. It’s easy to learn, incredibly powerful and expressive, and has some great features that make it fun to work with even if you aren’t a seasoned programmer. If you’re looking for a place to start learning about programming languages or just want some ideas about what makes Python so special, read on!

Python is popular.

Python is a popular language. It’s the second most popular programming language in the world, behind Java. Python is also number one in many fields, including web development and scientific computing, and it’s used by many big organizations like Google, NASA, Intel, and more!

This means that if you learn Python as your first programming language (or even your second), there will be plenty of support available for you wherever you go next: on StackOverflow or GitHub; at meetups with other programmers who have learned Python; or even just talking to friends who might know some basic coding skills themselves.

Python has a powerful, expressive syntax.

Python has a powerful, expressive syntax.

Python’s syntax is very readable and understandable, even for beginners. There are fewer keywords in Python than in other languages, which makes it easier to learn and remember them. The code written in Python is much more concise compared with other languages like C++ or Java.

Python is a great first programming language.

Python is a great first programming language because it’s easy to learn and very readable. As an example, let’s look at this Python code:

print(“Hello world! How are you?”)

If you haven’t written any code before, this may look like gibberish (it’s just some text). However, if we break down what exactly is happening here, it becomes much clearer. First off, the line containing the word print() prints something out onscreen; in this case, it prints out “Hello world! " "How are you?” So far, so good? Cool! Now let’s go into detail about each part of our program:

  • The first word after print() tells us what kind of thing we’re printing — in our case it says “Hello world!”. This is called an expression because it evaluates (or calculates) into something else — in this case evaluating into a string called ‘Hello World!’ which will then be printed out later on in our script;
  • Next comes another expression which evaluates into another string called ‘How Are You?’; ‘How Are You?’ will also be printed out later on when these two expressions are evaluated together as part of running our whole program;

Python supports multiple styles of code and development.

Python is a general-purpose programming language, which means it can be used for a variety of applications. It’s also an open-source language, which means that anyone can use it and modify it as they wish. The Python community is huge and active—there are lots of users and developers who are happy to help with any questions you have about the language or its libraries (more on those later).

Python has been around since 1991, but only really started gaining popularity after 2000, when Guido van Rossum released version 2 of Python 3, now known as Python 3000 or 3k because it takes so long for new versions to come out!

Python is top-notch for math and science problems.

Python is a great language for doing math and science.

Python has a rich library of scientific modules, which makes it easy to do data analysis using Python. If you need to make charts or graphs, you can do that in Python too!

It’s easy to share code between tasks in Python, because it doesn’t rely on special libraries for separate parts of your program (unlike some languages).

There are a few reasons why Python might be the best language to learn. First, it’s easy to share code between tasks in Python because it doesn’t rely on special libraries for separate parts of your program (unlike some languages).

Second, Python is a very popular language that has been around since 1991 and has millions of users worldwide. If you learn how to program in Python today, there will always be a demand for people with these skills in the future. Thirdly, if you start learning now instead of later on down the road when it becomes harder or even impossible due to age restrictions imposed by employers who want younger employees without experience, then this could mean big savings on college tuition costs at some point in your life!

Python runs on many platforms and can communicate with almost any other language.

In this section, we’ll cover the many reasons why you should consider learning Python.

First of all, Python runs on many platforms and can communicate with almost any other language. It’s easy to learn but also has a lot of depth—it’s a good language for beginners as well as experts alike!

As an added bonus, if you’re learning Python 3 (which we recommend), then your code will be compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3, which means that if someone else has written something in one version or another, it’ll still work when combined with yours!

Python is a very good language to learn, and you’ll enjoy the experience!

Python is a very good language to learn, and you’ll enjoy the experience!

Python is easy to learn. It has a simple syntax, which means that it’s easy for you to understand what your code does. The language also has a lot of helpful features, such as built-in data structures and functions, that make working with Python much easier than with other languages.

Python is fun to use. You can do many different things with Python: create games or websites; analyze data sets; create programs that do math or play music—the list goes on and on! Because there are so many possibilities with this language, learning how to program in it will give you lots of opportunities for creativity as well as problem-solving skills (which come in handy when trying out new ideas).


So, what are you waiting for? Go out there, get some Python, and start programming. You’ll have fun doing it!



Atharv Chauhan

I am computer science student and i post my technical blogs here . I am also planning to post blogs on social awarness and history