Everything You Need to Know about iPhone Touch Disease and How to Fix It

Catherine Nichol
5 min readFeb 22, 2019


Many users have complained about the dreaded iPhone 6 Touch Disease that’s ruined their smartphone experience. Discussion forums are flooded with concerned owners that are trying to figure out how to rid their phones of the iPhone 6 Touch Disease. There are reports that the iPhone 6 Plus can also be affected by this problem. In this article, we’ll tell you more about the problem, why it’s caused and what you can do about it if you’ve come across it as well.

What is the iPhone Touch Disease?

Unlike the name suggests, the problem isn’t a ‘disease’. It’s not some kind of virus that can spread from one device to another. The issues manifest as hazy grey horizontal lines on the display with a malfunction multi-touch screen. This results in unresponsiveness and issues such as being unable to zoom and pinch images, pages on the screen.

Which phones are having this problem?

The iPhone 6 plus Touch Disease has become such a frequently occurring problem that even Apple acknowledges it; though the company simply pins the blame of the problem’s occurrence on its user, claiming that the owner must have dropped the phone, which led it to have this problem.

We will later discuss how the company’s claims haven’t proved to be entirely true according to other sources. Additionally, according to Apple, that the iPhone 6S Plus is the only model that seems to be affected by the Touch Disease, but many have reported that the same fault is occurring in the iPhone 6 as well. Apple has not commented on this. A lawsuit alleges that Apple might have known about Touch Disease before launching the iPhone 6

Some users have discovered that pressing down on the screen or twisting it a bit temporarily ‘cures’ the iPhone Touch Disease. The problem does return shortly, though, and the touch screen and screen obstruction continue to get worse over time.

How can you tell that your iPhone has the Touch Disease?

Here’s how to tell if your iPhone suffers from so called ‘Touch Disease’ and what to do next. The following two occurrences can help you determine whether your iPhone has the Touch Disease or not. The issues are easy to spot and are consistent with all iPhone users that have experienced the iPhone Touch Disease.

  1. You might be experiencing the iPhone Touch Disease if your phone’s multi-touch screen is not functioning properly. This could mean that you are not easily able to type, pinching or zooming has become difficult and your gestures aren’t properly being understood by the screen sensors.
  2. The other indicator is the glitchy grey horizontal line across the top of your iPhone’s screen.

Once you’ve identified the problem, try not to put pressure on the screen or bang it against a surface. Such treatment could make the problem even worse.

What causes the iPhone Touch Disease to occur?

As mentioned earlier, Apple claims that the iPhone Touch Disease happens due to user negligence. And that dropping the phone causes the problem. This has been debated by various users and repair shops online. If so many devices are turning up with this issue, surely there is more to it than just accidentally dropping your phone. Owners that have devices with the iPhone Touch Disease have even reported that replacing the touchscreen doesn’t solve the problem.

According to various repairers, the problem persists because the issue isn’t on the screen, it’s in the Touch IC chips, the touchscreen controller chips or in the phone’s logic board. This would mean that the iPhone Touch Disease is a result of a manufacturing defect.

Another theory states that iPhone Touch Disease is an unforeseen consequence of the Bendgate structural flaw that surfaced when the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus were first released. Users reported that their phones were bent out of shape while being carried in their back pockets. This was a major issue for Apple. The company claimed that they solved this issue and that bendgate would no longer be an issue with the new set of devices which were released in the market after recalling the defective ones

All theories are possible explanations of the iPhone 6 Plus Touch Disease that user of the device is facing. Physical damage caused by dropping the phone is also an explanation and it is something that can’t be ignored, considering that phones these days are becoming rather delicate and need to be handled with ridiculous amount care.

How to remedy your phone of the iPhone Touch Disease?

Option 1: Apple’s repair program

First, try to see if you qualify for Apple’s repair program. It can be cheaper than going to some other repair shop. Here are the requirements for the Apple repair program:

  • The device you are having issues with is an iPhone 6 Plus
  • It is in working condition
  • It has issues that have been described in the article.
  • The screen shows no sign of physical damage. It should not be cracked or broken.

Apple’s repair program is applicable if your device is within the 5-yeara period after initial sale. If you meet all of the above, then you’ll likely qualify for the program.

Option 2: Send your device to a repair shop

Check out various repair sites online and in person and check to see which one offers the best services. Expert repairers have successfully solved the iPhone Touch Disease for many users.

Option 3: Sell your iPhone

If you don’t want to get your device repaired and are looking forward to getting an upgrade, then perhaps selling your iPhone 6S Plus or 6 would be the best option. Check out various mobile phone recycling comparison websites and get value for your used phone. Help the environment by recycling your phone and get some extra cash in the process.

What happens next?

If you’ve decided to sell your iPhone because of the iPhone Touch Disease, then be sure to back up all your data before handing off your device to a mobile recycling company.

