CODE3100: WEEK 2

Catherine Erzetic
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2017

09/03/17 — Individual Technology Research


Extracting sites and sending through Flux

  • Generates a site context model
  • High definition data set is available for use
  • Can create a variety of keys: topographic mesh, contour lines, parks, buildings (accurate height, if available), water, buildings (randomised height), roads, building footprints
  • Data keys can be sent over to Dynamo using a script (live collaboration, refer to next section)

Why is this useful in terms of our project?

It can allow us to extract a site model and gain a spacial understanding of its surroundings, including; buildings, public spaces for example.

Conduct analysis of the site, including;

  • Solar analysis / shadow analysis: This analysis is being conducted by Montanna. She uses Dynamo as a tool to create a sun path around the site. To read more about her analysis, click here.
  • Movement
  • Building heights
  • Land use
  • Reflections

Email threads between BIM group and Alexis regarding this exercise:

March 9 — Emily and I working on site extraction and live documentation between members

We are trying to use Flux site extraction tool to bring the site into Revit. We want to have access to the geometry in Revit (but are unable to select it in Revit) So we attempted first to import the geometry through the node ‘ImportInstance.ByGeometries’ but was unsuccessful. Our next solution, was to patch the building footprints then extrude them, and again, unsuccessful. So is there a way, or any benefit, in being able to edit manually in Revit?

The point of this exercise was to understand how to use Flux in terms of site extraction, so that we can experience the live documentation between Flux, Revit/Dynamo. Mainly focusing on the site position, so that this workflow can be adapted for different scenarios.

“The point of the exercise” is to generate a revit site plan with flux.

Receiving errors: Building heights not transferring over to Dynamo

Live collaboration between Flux/Revit/Dynamo

  • All data can be translated into dynamo using a simple script provided by Flux. It allows you to choose the project you are working with, allowing you to work between projects.
  • Live documentation tool: viewing instant changes to a model. As we added data keys in Flux it synced instantly to Dynamo. The same way selecting keys to be viewed in Dynamo showed up in Revit instantly.

As a result, we managed to utilise Flux as a workflow, to transfer data between Flux and Dynamo. Even though this exercise was unsuccessful we have gained a deeper understanding and the motivation, to find a solution.




  • Flux Flow: Data Transformation (Coming soon)
  • Run Health Impact Analysis on any model (Coming soon)
  • Flux Web Apps (Possibly relevant for AR/VR?) (Coming soon)

