Stuck Between We and I

2 min readMar 2, 2016


I have a blog (not my medium blog), but a blog where I write about diamonds and jewelry. It is called Gem Hunt and you can check it out at

I stated it a few months ago and something weird happened to me. All my writing slipped into “we”. I was writing an email to a brand — “we would be so happy to…”. I stopped myself and realized I was out of control with the “we”. I will let you in on a secret — there is no we…

it is me, myself, and I

I have been writing on medium for awhile and the compulsion to use “we” never came up; in fact, I think I have a pretty strong “I” voice. But for some reason I started using it on Gem Hunt and I literally cannot stop using it. It is like a disease that has crept into my writing and won’t leave. Every blog, instagram post, tweet — I use “we”. I am aware of it but I can’t stop. Even my blog tagline is “we eat diamonds for breakfast and blog about it.”

Why can’t I stop my “we” habit? Is it a nod to the future where I hope to be in an situation of “we” — an office full of like-minded diamond obsessed people? Do I mean the collective “we” as in I speak for all diamond obsessed people? Or is it a sign of weakness? I am afraid I will be found out I am a one women show? Is there shame in that? I don’t really know.

Tell me are you a we or I?

Follow catherine on instagram, follow catherine on twitter, or visit my personal website




entrepreneurship, marketing, personal growth, learn more about at, follow @catcason, eats diamonds @thegemhunt