Shadow Self + The Benefits of Shadow Work

Catherine Shelton, HHP-BC
4 min readMar 20, 2023


Have you wondered why you behave the way you do? Have you questioned your integrity and your motives? Have you come to a realization about your true self?

Perhaps it is time for you to face your Shadow. The Shadow Self is a place inside the subconscious where things we have rejected repeatedly over the course of our lives — bad habits, desires, impulses, and the likes — are stored away and not really looked back on until you are ready to face it.

Although most people will continue life with blissful unawareness, they will also doubt the existence of their shadow self — also known as the “dark side” of themselves. Moreover, the shadow self truly develops in childhood. The moment children are able to categorize what is deemed good versus bad, and what is deemed acceptable with what is unacceptable, in these moments we have learned to divide ourselves. The more a person rejects and locks away these feelings, emotions, desires, etc. the more repressed personalities and characteristics of their true self is hidden. The process of uncovering those inner most deep motives and desires behind your actions and behavior is Shadow Work. Coming face to face with your shadow self can be life alternating which is why it is important for you to be in the right frame of mind to be able to endure the process.

Some of the questions you can ask yourself are:

  1. What did I need as a child?
  2. What am I avoiding?
  3. What are my addictions?
  4. What secrets am I hiding?
  5. Am I being honest with myself and others?
  6. How have I been distracting myself?
  7. What are my own misconceptions about myself?
  8. What are my fears?
  9. What do I need to let go of?
  10. Am I a victim of trauma?
  11. Have I allowed myself to heal from my trauma?
  12. What do I need to forgive myself?
  13. What lessons do I still need to learn?
  14. What do I want the most in this lifetime?

How do we recognize our Shadow Self?

  • Weak minded
  • Lack boundaries
  • Self sabotage
  • Lack of confidence
  • Afraid to speak up for yourself
  • People pleaser
  • Having addictions
  • Having jealousy
  • Having anxiety
  • Having low self-esteem
  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Caring what others think of you
  • Putting yourself last
  • Not doing what you know if right and good for you

What does Shadow Work look like? What are the benefits of Shadow Work?

  • Accepting that the unknown is where growth is fundamentally developed.
  • Learning there may be positive personalities and characteristics about you that you may have rejected or suppressed.
  • Listening to your breath.
  • Coming to terms with others not understanding you.
  • Coming to terms with the understanding that you will be on a different frequency — energetically and vibrationally as well — from others around you.
  • Understanding that you will revisit the “why” repeatedly.
  • Reclaiming parts of ourselves we have denied or ignored.
  • Owning all parts of you — the bad and the good — allow yourself to feel whole.
  • Understanding when you are finally aware of something, it no longer has the power to control you.
  • Understanding the shadow self can lead you to unconsciously act out unless you use to become conscious of your actions and behaviors.
  • Learning to not let your ego speak or act for you.
  • Learning to move away from your egoic self and into the love frequency.
  • Coming to terms with the fact you will question yourself over and over again until you learn to trust yourself.
  • Understand constructive criticism allows for room to grow and move forward.
  • Having clear awareness of toxic patterns in your behavior so you can change them.
  • Finding root causes for your problem(s).
  • Being able to heal from the root cause of your trauma(s).
  • Getting fresh air and calming the mind for clarity.
  • Giving yourself permission to wander into horizons you felt uncomfortable with before you began your shadow work.
  • Learning to be patient.
  • Learning you creative capacities.
  • Finding your inner light and brining that into the process.
  • Practicing gratitude and understanding it is an essential part of shadow work by appreciating and accepting your positive traits.
  • Cultivating self awareness — to understand the light, we must journey through the darkness.
  • Learning and cultivating your true purpose in life.
  • Building confidence, courage, and strength to face an unknown.
  • Learning to cultivate and accept a deeper love, acceptance and understanding of your true self.
  • Accepting some people may not be in your life during and after your shadow work.
  • You will develop empathy and compassion toward yourself and others.
  • You will notice that your mental and physical health is better.
  • Having a clearer perception and grasp of reality.
  • Being able to learn your psychic abilities

Shadow Work is not always easy. It is facing the darkness inside you and learning to come to terms with the fact you rejected and suppressed these things long enough. Make sense of your old wounds. Make sense of your triggers, and behaviors. Often times, many people fall into the pit of depression, anxiety, and chronic fatigue when they go through life on autopilot and become easily subdued by the ego. So much so that you no longer feel meaning and purpose in life.

Allowing yourself to find balance in your life and evolve to be mindful and harness all your inner power — that is shadow work. This is when your soul comes back home. Take it, accept it, and embrace it.

