Guide to Good Personal Hygiene

Catherine Strong
3 min readFeb 8, 2017

As the good old Lebanese proverb goes, “Hygiene is two thirds of Health. This states that you are not deemed to be healthy if you are not clean in your body, mind and soul. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is necessary for your self-confidence, self-image amongst society and helps others have a better perception about yourself. Therefore here are five important steps that you can implement in your daily routine to improve your personal care.

Bathe Regularly

If you don’t have a good morning shower, you don’t feel “Fresh” to begin your day. Therefore washing your body regularly will help rinse off all the bacteria, prevent any illnesses and exhaustion you feel and give you a fresh morning. This also includes washing your hair at regular intervals. No one likes to associate people with greasy hair. Washing your hair daily would wash off all the germs and dust that accumulates on a daily basis from all the travelling. And as they say that hair is one of the most prominent feature in a person, shiny and healthy hair gives a plus point to your social image.

Brush Your Teeth Daily

An individuals’ most attractive feature is the smile. This being said, if you have yellow teeth and bad breath, the response wouldn’t be a pleasant one. Then arises the question we ask ourselves; How to care for our teeth? It is a simple step which must be implemented on a daily basis. Brushing your teeth thrice a day ideally keeps your teeth clean, healthy and white. As you wake up in the morning and have your bed tea, brush your teeth. This kills all the bacteria and odor from overnight sleep. Brush after lunch and dinner and then floss as there will be food particles stuck on your teeth and you would not want that. Using a good Fluoride toothpaste will kill all germs and smell that builds up in your mouth and finally rinse it off with some antibacterial mouthwash. By practicing this daily you will prevent from building up cavities and lessens your trips to the dentist.

Hands and Feet

A large number of germs and bacteria is easily caught on to our hands and feet. Therefore we must wash our hand frequently after using the washroom, before and after meals and in-between the day. Since we use our hand to eat that would be the most common way bacteria gets into our body. Thus leading to illnesses and stomach disorders, therefore the best way to prevent this is washing hands using anti-bacterial soap.

Trim Your Nails

Bacteria may get into your body through your nails. Thus finger and toe nails must be trimmed, shaped and kept short to prevent infectious diseases such as fungal toe, infected bed nails and hang nails which can lead to contracting athlete’s foot if not properly taken care.

Good Night Sleep

Rest after a long day is very important. Ideally an individual needs about 8 hours of sleep for the brain to rest and restart and function smoothly. Lack of sleep can cause you to feel groggy and may prevent from your immune system from functioning properly.

These five simple steps will help you to have a happy, healthy and functioning lifestyle.

