How To Create Double Exposure Photographs in Step by Step

Catherine Watts
5 min readJul 10, 2019


Double Exposure is the wonderful photographic technique in which two exposures are combined smoothly unto one another to create a single image. The technique produces highly interesting results and enables the photographer to create beautiful mirror images and ghost images. This technique is also able to tell a story in such a very unique way that cannot ever be achieved by a single photo.

At first glance, you would think that these types of images are hard to create. It may be intimidating to even try, and to be honest, you’d need quite the skill to pull it off for the first couple of pictures. But, it is not impossible to do; with the right practice, you’d be able to create these wonderful images with such ease. With the current developments with regards to our technology, the double exposure effect can now be easily achieved with a DSLR camera. All you have to do is to enable its Multiple Exposure feature in the shooting menu and then manually capture both desired exposures. Moreover, if you are in the more creative side, you can have total creative control by replicating the effect using various Photoshop software out there.

5 Steps in Creating Beautiful Double Exposure Images

Now that we have briefly discussed double exposure images, we will now then show you the step by step procedure on how you can create your very own double exposure effect. From taking your own pictures to merging them using Photoshop, we got you covered!

Determine what theme you want

Every process starts with a well thought out plan. Picture your end product; visualize what your final image would look like even before shooting anything with your camera. Determine what theme you want to tackle. Whether you want to focus more on the visual appeal of the overall image or whether you want to convey a strong and good message with your picture. All you really need are two images that you would wonderfully blend with one another. So, do not be afraid to take your time in figuring out how you want them to look like in the final product.

Some of the most compelling examples of double exposure images are composed of a portrait and an abstract or landscape photo mixed in with a lot of appealing textures. Build a connection between the two chosen images; produce an image that suggests certain emotions that will drive your viewers to think for a second or two as they observe your beautiful photo. A great photo will make its viewers gaze long enough as they contemplate the message that lies beneath the photo.

Compose your shots

Now that you have the idea on how you want your double exposure photo to look like, it is now time to compose your shot how you want them to be. This is the part where you should start focusing on the visual aspect of your overall image. More specifically, the kind of image you want to capture and use for editing later on.

Search online for inspiration; finalize how you want your two images to look like. You should now have a clear picture in your mind on how exactly you want your image to look like in the very end. Think less about the colors of the images you want to connect with one another as you can easily tweak them in Photoshop later on. And if you do not want to take pictures on your own, you can just use free stock photos you can find in various sites.

Capture Your Base Photo

Your base photo is the more crucial image among the two that you would be using. As it will be the base part of your overall image and is where you would be mixing in the other image on. You base photo can be anything — ranging from a portrait, a body part, an object you like, to an iconic scenic spot. As long as it can serve as the main subject, it can be a base photo for your very own double exposure image. It is also a plus if you can choose a great photo wherein you can easily edit on the layer photo.

For a clean and easy to make double exposure image, you can try placing your subject inside your frame completely until you can already see its outlines very well. Then again, you may always try something new, what do you know, maybe you can conceive an outcome more compelling than the conventional techniques.

Capture Your Layer Photo

After the base photo, the next you must pick out, of course, is the layer photo. It is the image that you would be mixing in with the base image. The layer photo is usually abstract, an overhead shot of the city or the nature itself as these kinds of images are easy to blend in with another photo. Not only that, but it can also tell different kinds of stories by just looking at it. Do not be afraid to go and snap your layer photo from a different perspective, you’ll never know what kind of unique result you may get by experimenting once in a while. Look for a good spot that is not too bright and not too dark. Remember, that you still have to mix it with another photo so you have to take the lighting and shadows into account.

Now Finalize your Image by Merging Them With One Another

Here comes the fun part. Now that you have all set up and ready to go, you may now start mixing your base image and layer photo to create a double exposure image that not only looks extremely well but also able to convey all sorts of emotions to its viewers. Review your chosen photos and see if they meet your personal standards. Take a look at the quality of the images you have chosen or shot for your own. Before anything, export your images and carefully choose two final images that you wish to merge together. Make sure they are of good quality with sharp, well-exposed details. Once you’ve chosen your best base and layer photos, open both files in Photoshop. It is now time to create magic! Use your own skills and create your very own masterpiece of an image.



Catherine Watts

Founder of Hathart LLC, an eCommerce platform for creatives and collectors || A go-to source for excellent visual and performing arts blogs!