Feeling Lightheaded? - Common Causes Of Dizzy Spells In Girls

Cathleen Kirk
2 min readAug 29, 2017


When most people are told they have high blood pressure (or Hypertension) it comes as quite a shock. With many people being diagnosed between the ages of 25-45, it is fast becoming a great concern for both the individual and their young families.

These attacks happen to a wide number of people from all walks of life. The problem is that we just don't know how to cope with our anxiety and we often make it worse. These episodes of anxiety make it difficult to get through a normal day.

Because of this the body releases certain chemicals and the blood vessels in the skin begin to dilate. As the temperature of the body increases a reaction occurs and you begin sweating in order to cool down.

Painful periods vary in severity, but the pain can be disabling. However painful the period may be, feeling alone may be more harmful. Most people have never heard of dysmenorrhea and may not understand that your pain is severe. Doctors use a conventional scale for patients to rate their pain, which may seem demeaning when your pain may feel like death is the only relief. Women suffering from painful periods feel alone and invalid and may lose the will to make it through the pain.

Dizziness was another reported side effect. Much like headaches, dizziness spells can be a result of change in diet, not enough water, intense exercise, standing up to fast and more. Low blood sugar is a prime cause for feeling dizzy so it's important to eat often when dieting.

Crash diets are any diet which is just plain silly -- like the soup diet or the bread diet. They don't have any basis in science and are basically junk. They also cut out a lot of positional vertigo causes [just click the next website] important foods and are also unhealthy.

Although the Chinese and millions of people in Asia have been enjoying the benefits of acupuncture and herbs for several centuries already, we of other continents can take solace in the fact that the health benefits of medical acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas are becoming more and more common place.

Mom end up being embarrassed to admit how exerting daily showering and hygiene is on her behalf. Reduction of salt intake, which can control fluid levels all of the body, is really a common treating this problem.

