Tik Tok, Tick Tock…

How are you spending your most precious resource?

Catherine Strawbridge
4 min readJan 24, 2024
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

We have recently stepped into another year, which often brings the collective energy towards reviewing where we are on all fronts.

It raises our awareness about what we would like to bring with us or let go of as we move forward into another chapter of our lives.

Although entering another year on planet Earth assists us in this process, we don’t actually need a new year to initiate it.

Any time is a good time to do this. You could also do it on your birthday, the start of a season, a month, a week, a day or even a moment.

It is healthy to regularly take stock of where you are at and to check in with yourself to see if it aligns with where you wish to be.

Whenever you come across this, I invite you to ask yourself:

What are your current priorities?

Do they align with what you wish for yourself?

What do you consider to be your most precious resource?

Let’s delve in deeper together.

Time Is Our Most Precious Resource

As a society, we tend to be so driven to make money that we often put material wealth as our top priority and list it as our most valuable asset.

Whilst money may come and go and come and go again and again, ashes to ashes, dust to dust comes to mind…

Unlike money and other material assets, which are all likely to outlive us, each one of us is here for a specific period. This is a fact we can all agree on.

We can’t get yesterday back. We can’t even get our last breath back.

This should put things into perspective and ground us back into what truly matters.

Every minute we are alive is a gift.

Who knows when our last breath will be? It could be tomorrow or a year or a decade from now. We won’t know until it happens, and then, poof, into another dimension we go.

So this begs the question: How can we best honour the gift of life we have been given for whatever timeframe that may be?

Image by Pavlo from Pixabay

How Are You Choosing To Spend Your Time?

As time is your most valuable commodity, being fully conscious of who and what you spend your time on is essential.

Ensuring that the people and activities in your life are aligned with your highest desires and ways of being will keep you in integrity with yourself and allow your best life to unfold.

Making Higher Self choices of how you spend your time will lead to living your highest quality life.

How can you adjust your choices if they are not currently aligned with where you wish to be, or ensure you stay with them if you are already happy with where you are?

The truth ‘where your attention goes, your energy flows’ can also be taken into the context of your everyday choices. Do what you want to experience more of, and that energy will increase in your life.

If you want more peace, then spend more time in silence. If you wish to experience a more joyous connection, actively plan dates with those bringing that energy. If you want something of importance to grow, spend time nurturing it.

You always have a choice. And if you don’t actively choose what you wish to experience, that is also a choice.

Every second of our day, we honour either fear or love. We are either moving closer towards our dreams or being held back by our doubts.

What are you choosing?

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” — Albert Einstein

Breaking Free From Unhealthy Time Conditioning

When we go to school, we are trained from a very early age to work hard for long periods and then have shorter break periods.

This conditioning affects our perception of time, and even as adults, we tend to strive to get as much done as possible to allow ourselves to relax afterwards.

We are chained into this thinking up to retirement: work very hard for a certain number of decades so that you can relax when you retire.

But is this all-or-nothing way of living a healthy approach? It means we are either entirely on or off, allowing no room for balance.

Is that a sensible use of our time and the most fruitful way to live our lives?

What if we relax and enjoy ourselves while learning, creating projects, or whatever task we must accomplish? We could balance the two extremes instead of having all-or-nothing energy and vastly ameliorate this perception of time.

What if life wasn’t such a race to maximise as much as we could to accomplish things to earn a break, and instead, our accomplishment was enjoying the learning and creating process of the task at hand because we are intrinsically worthy of a break whenever we want one?

What if the best way to honour time was to enjoy ourselves in whatever we do at any given time?

How we have been wired to exert ourselves to maximise time to be allowed a period of relaxation is an enormously flawed concept.

This way, we’re either pushing through time and losing out on so much beauty or else we are supposedly relaxed with a lurking layer of underlying anxiety for the next task or the next school year that awaits us.

The rest of this article is available for you to read or listen to for free on my substack at: https://ponderwoman.substack.com/p/tik-tok-tick-tock

See you there!

