My “Realistic” Morning Routine

Catherine Lewis
3 min readAug 30, 2022


Influencers and vloggers are always marketing their morning or daily routines, and while they seem idyllic and the key to success, how realistic are they really?

Real Life: I work a typical 9–5, wake up tired, and some days are hard.

But! I still seek to maximize and treat my body well each day. Here is how I do this:

  1. Wake up at 7:00am.. I use a sunrise alarm clock that has a pleasant alarm tone. This dampens the dread of waking up early a tiny bit (i’m not a morning person).
  2. Take a shower.. I definitely close close my eyes and sleep while the shampoo washes out.
  3. Take a 10 min walk outside or stretch for 10 mins inside. I usually use this time to let my hair air dry a bit before I blow dry it. Be present and focus on what you see and what you hear on the walk. This is similar to meditation practices. I also use this time to think of 3 things I am thankful for — this morning it was the first orange leaf on the ground which got me excited for fall!
  4. Makeup (if needed) and blow dry/fix hair. Ladies, I usually wear makeup because it makes me feel confident but then just throw my hair up in a quick claw clip!
  5. Fix a breakfast that is healthy but is works for YOU. On days I’m hungry and have time, I’ll fix eggs and a bagel, but most days, cereal or a protein yogurt is more realistic for me. Give yourself time to listen to your body! If you’re really hungry, eat a complete, nourishing breakfast. But unlike most influencers will tell you, there’s no need to try and make a gorgeous smoked egg and poached egg bagel every morning when you simply don’t like eating breakfast or don’t have time.
  6. Eat breakfast in silence. This is a great time to unwind and begin your day with a peace of mind — once the day starts, you may not get anymore peace until bedtime!
  7. Make a coffee to go and drive to work! Drinking coffee and listening to a podcast on the way to work always helps me get through the traffic.
  8. Work :’) Try to keep a positive attitude for yourself and the people around you. I take walks or stretch occasionally throughout the day to keep my sanity.

That is how the first half of my day goes pretty much every morning! I have noticed that showering, walking, and eating in silence in the AM has made the largest differences in my energy at work and throughout the remainder of my day when I get home.

Just like children, we still seek structure. After just a few days of doing this, I felt the positive effects of slowing down and prioritizing my peace of mind and physical well-being.

My morning walks are now something that make me look forward to waking up because I get to see the subtle change in the leaves, listen to the birds, and see the neighbors’ cats..

The lesson here is to find the small, hidden beauties in your life that can fill you up and get you ready for a more joy- and energy-filled day.


Thanks for reading! I hope this seems realistic for you and your lifestyle. Achievable goals and changes, however small, can make all the difference.



Catherine Lewis

Finance & Economics Guru. Trader. Outdoor & fitness gal. Love the color pink. Relationship advice giver. Jack of all trades!