Fear of Cats — How to Overcome a Phobia of Cats Easily

Cat Litter Source
3 min readJan 7, 2017


About a fourth of the population comes up with a high fear of one specific animal. Cat, specifically, is frequently distinguished as ananimal that is seriously feared. In spite of the fact that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders — Fifth Edition (DSM-V) does not distinguish a specific name for a phobia of cats, it recognizes that people can encounter a “Specific Phobia” which can incorporate a fear of cats. In this way, if you have a phobia of cats, you are not the only one.

Part 1

Scan the internet for images of cats. Make certain to spare every photo that you find on your PC. Attempt to discover an assortment of cats that shift in size, shading, hair type, and so on. Likewise, ensure that you get a few pictures that are shut everything down and photographs that show cats participating in their everyday routine, for example, strolling, eating, lying down, and communicating with individuals.

You don’t need to confine your photo hunt to the internet. You can likewise discover comparative pictures in magazines and flyers.

Select one of the photos and print it out, ideally in shading. Take a gander at the photo and figure out where you are on the anxiety scale. You do this by choosing how much anxiety you encounter on a scale of 1–10. One speaks to for all intents and purposes no anxiety while 10 reflects extreme anxiety. Take a gander at the photo for a few minutes every day. As you do this, attempt to keep yourself quiet. Likewise, do your best to abstain from turning away. If you do wind up turning away, make certain to refocus on the photo when you take note. Proceed with every day until you encounter next to no anxiety when you take a gander at the photo.

Decide ahead of time to what extent you will take a gander at the photo every day. 10–15 minutes is by all accounts a sensible measure of time to take an interest in this day by day movement.

Following a couple of days of doing this, the anxiety that you experience ought to diminish. Make certain to note where you are on the anxiety scale dependably. Keep in mind; your objective ought to be to get to a maybe a couple on the scale.

Part 2


Call a companion who claims a feline and enlighten him concerning your fear. Disclose to your companion that you might want to figure out how to be more comfortable around cats and that you require his offer assistance. Inquire as to whether you could come over every day for the following couple of weeks with the goal that you can get used to being around cats.

It might be hard to get to your companion’s home every day, in any case, it is critical to reaching cats as regularly as could be expected under the circumstances. Pick a calendar and stay with it. When you step by step open yourself to what you fear, the body modifies and in the long run quits discharging stress hormones. Therefore, the additional time that you spend with cats, the snappier you’ll lose the fear of cats.

Make a point to choose a companion who has a well-disposed feline. Your companion will most likely know whether his pet is a good fit for this movement or not. However, it’s likely a good idea to inquire as to whether the feline is amicable before beginning the visits.

Part 3

Rebuilding Your Thoughts

Most individuals who fear cats are now mindful that cats are truly innocuous. Be that as it may, they have a fear reaction that is started in the mind that they can’t presently control.

Phobias are frequently learned behavior. A man may have one awful involvement with a feline; he may have subliminally started to partner cats with negative things, for example, disease or he may have “educated” to fear cats by watching his parents’ fearful conduct around them when he was a child.

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