Review: Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter System

Curious about the Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter System? Read my in-depth review to see if this innovative setup can revolutionize your cat’s litter box experience!

Candace Ferguson
7 min readAug 22, 2024

Review: Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter System

The world of cat litter is vast and somewhat bewildering, with countless options ranging from traditional clumping clay to more modern silicone beads. As a cat owner, I’ve certainly tried my fair share of these products, often to the detriment of my nose and wallet. So, when I came across the Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter System, I was curious. Could this be the holy grail of cat litters? The solution to all my feline’s bathroom woes? After months of testing, I’ve finally gathered my thoughts and I’m excited to share them with you.

First Impressions

When I first unboxed the Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter System, I was struck by its modern and clean design. The system includes a litter box with a grated tray, absorbent pads, and special pellets. It’s visually appealing and seems well-constructed, which initially made me hopeful. The sleek look promised a more hygienic and less messy experience than the traditional litter boxes we’ve used over the years.

The idea of a system that separates liquid waste from solid waste is intriguing. It’s designed so the urine passes through the pellets and is collected on a pad below. This not only aims to control odor but also makes for easier cleaning. Plus, the pellets are much larger than regular litter granules, which, in theory, means less tracking around the house.

Setting Up the System

Setting up the Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter System was a straightforward process. The instructions were clear and accompanied by illustrations.

  • First, I placed the absorbent pad in the drawer at the bottom of the unit.
  • Next, I filled the top tray with the provided pellets.

The whole setup took less than ten minutes. The pellets are quite different from regular litter. They’re larger and more pebble-like, almost resembling small aquarium gravel. It’s a unique approach that seems promising for reducing tracking and dust.

One thing to keep in mind is that the kit only comes with a month’s supply of pads and pellets for one cat. This means that regular purchases will be necessary to maintain the system, which could be a drawback depending on your budget.

Transitioning My Cat

Introducing any new litter system can be a challenge, especially for picky felines. My cat, being a creature of habit, was initially skeptical.

Following the recommendations, I kept the old litter box next to the new one for about a week to ease the transition. Slowly but surely, my cat started exploring the new setup and, eventually, began using it regularly.

If your cat is resistant to change, it might take a bit longer, but patience is key. Sprinkling some old litter on top of the pellets can also help make it feel more familiar.

Daily Use and Maintenance

Once my cat adapted to the system, it was time to see how it fared in daily use. The Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter System promises easier maintenance due to its unique design. Here’s how it worked out for us.

Odor Control

One of the standout features of the Tidy Cats Breeze system is its odor control. The combination of the absorbent pad and the pellets does a commendable job of minimizing smells. Unlike traditional litter that can sometimes create a stench even after one use, the urine is absorbed by the pad beneath, leaving the pellets relatively dry and odor-free.

However, it’s crucial to change the pads regularly — approximately once a week for one cat, more often if you have multiple cats. Failure to do so can lead to an unpleasant ammonia smell, which is not something you want wafting through your home.

Cleaning Ease

Cleaning the Tidy Cats Breeze system is straightforward, if a bit different from traditional methods. The solid waste stays on top of the pellets and is easy to scoop out with the provided scoop, which features larger slots to accommodate the size of the pellets.

The urine is absorbed by the pads, which can be disposed of and replaced without the need to handle any wet litter. This is a major plus for anyone who’s long dealt with the unpleasant task of scooping clumps of urine-soaked litter.


Tracking is one of my biggest pet peeves with traditional litter, leaving a trail of granules all over the house. It’s particularly irksome when you step on the litter barefoot, and it’s a telltale sign that a cat lives in the home.

The larger pellets of the Tidy Cats Breeze system significantly reduce tracking, which is a huge bonus. While a few pellets occasionally escape the box, they’re much easier to spot and clean up, making this a significant improvement over traditional litters.

Longevity and Cost-Effectiveness

While the Tidy Cats Breeze system excels in many areas, it’s essential to consider the long-term investment. The initial cost of the starter kit is reasonable, but the ongoing expenses can add up.

The absorbent pads and pellets need to be replaced regularly. For a single cat household, this means buying new pads every month and replenishing the pellets every month or so. For multi-cat households, you’ll be going through supplies even faster.

In comparison to traditional clumping litters, which can be bought in bulk at a lower unit cost, the Breeze system’s supplies are a bit pricier. However, the convenience and improved cleanliness might justify the added expense for many cat owners.

Environmental Impact

As a conscientious pet owner, I’m always on the lookout for products that are environmentally friendly. The Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter System has some merits when it comes to ecological considerations.

The pellets last longer than traditional litter, meaning you’re not tossing out as much waste regularly. However, the pads are single-use, which does generate more trash than scoopable alternatives. The packaging claims that the pads are disposable through household waste, but some might find this aspect less eco-friendly than they’d prefer.

Recycling and Disposal

The pellets are non-clumping and made from a material that’s designed to dehydrate solid waste. While this is excellent for odor control, it means the pellets are not biodegradable, which is a consideration for the environmentally conscious.

On the positive side, because you’re using less litter material overall, there’s less bulk waste being thrown away compared to traditional litter. Weighing the pros and cons, the Tidy Cats Breeze system offers a middle ground in terms of environmental impact.

Review: Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter System

Special Considerations

Every cat is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Here are a few special considerations based on my experience with the Tidy Cats Breeze system.

Multiple Cats

If you’re a multi-cat household, you’ll need to consider your litter setup carefully. The Tidy Cats Breeze system works well, but you might need multiple boxes to accommodate your feline family. According to general guidelines, you should have one litter box per cat, plus one extra.

Kittens and Senior Cats

Kittens and older cats may require a bit more transition time. Kittens might initially see the pellets as toys, while senior cats accustomed to clumping litter might be more resistant to change. Extra patience and gradual introduction are key in these cases.

Overall Experience

Reflecting on my months of using the Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter System, I can confidently say it’s been a positive experience.


  • Odor Control: The combination of pellets and absorbent pads does a stellar job of minimizing smells, keeping my home more pleasant.
  • Ease of Cleaning: Scooping solid waste is straightforward, and replacing pads is simple and hygienic.
  • Reduced Tracking: The larger pellets mean less litter scattered around the house, a huge improvement over traditional litters.
  • Design: The modern, sleek look of the system fits well in most homes and doesn’t scream “litter box.”


  • Cost: The ongoing expense of purchasing pads and pellets adds up, particularly in multi-cat households.
  • Environmental Impact: The system produces more single-use waste with the disposable pads.
  • Initial Adaptation: Some cats might take time to adjust to the new system, requiring patience from the owner.

Final Thoughts

The Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter System has certainly lived up to much of its hype. It offers a cleaner, more manageable solution to an often smelly and messy task. While the cost and environmental impact are considerations, the benefits in terms of odor control, ease of cleaning, and reduced tracking make it a valuable option for many cat owners.

If you’ve been struggling with traditional litters and are looking for an alternative, the Tidy Cats Breeze system is worth a try. It might not be perfect, but it could be a helpful step toward a more pleasant and hassle-free litter management routine.

Feeling intrigued by my experience or want to share your own thoughts? Clap if you enjoyed this review, leave a comment with your experiences, and don’t forget to subscribe to my Medium newsletter for more updates and reviews on all things feline!

You can check out the Tidy Cats Breeze System for yourself and see if this is a great option for your feline friend.

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