It’s time for a gate change…

Cat Hernandez
The Startup
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2020
Photo by Eva Darron on Unsplash

I am living proof that careers are long and winding.

You see, venture was never on the list, but after a decade of operating and a happenstance meeting with Brad and Ben back in 2015, I honestly can’t imagine doing anything else. At the time, Primary felt very much like a startup itself. We were focused on not only backing New York’s finest founders, but also building deep, meaningful relationships with tomorrow’s changemakers — different from the old guard.

Over the years, we raised two funds, backed 45 founders, and worked hard to deliver on our promise of truly adding value beyond the check. Today, that type of guidance comes in many forms, but it has always been centered on making sure the entrepreneurs we were lucky enough to back had timely access to best practices, supercharged networks, and an experienced core team who were always ready to “be the first call”. I am proud and humbled to have played a significant role in shaping this firm, these founders, and this city.

Now for the hard part…

The time has come for me to say “see you later.” In June, I will be leaving Primary to focus 100% of my energy on backing underrepresented founders at the earliest stages of company formation. My partners have taught me a great deal about what it means to be a good investor and, while I am sad to be leaving the Primary family, I am equally excited to take the next step in my career as an early stage check-writer. Ultimately, I hope this means a new kind of partnership and collaboration as I’d love to share a cap table and founder journey with the firm that gave me so much.

Thank you, first and foremost, to Brad and Ben, for taking a chance on a bullish operator five years ago. We created magic together and I cannot wait to see what you and the rest of the Primary team accomplishes in the years to come. I’ll be cheering from the sidelines.

Lastly, if you know a seasoned operator with a passion for all things people, community-building, and early stage startups, send your referrals to Primary here. In the meantime, don’t be a stranger New York founders. I will be back very, very soon with a check book and unparalleled passion to help you change the world in the way that you deserve to.



Cat Hernandez
The Startup

People-First Investor | Work Therapist | Immigrant