Creating a Music Sequencer; Pt. 1

cole lee
2 min readOct 30, 2022


During my research on music sequencers, I was surprised to learn about the role of sequencers in pop and hip hop. Sequencers have birthed entire musical languages from the synth scores of the 1980s to the hypnotic bass vibrations of ’90s acid house. I was most excited to learn about the role of sequences in gaming and how use of quantized time enables the user to control sound input while ensuring output that sounds great!

Here are some references I put together for some sequencers I really loved.

Beautiful music from dragging kites and mountains:

Music production using a DJ mixer board-esque setup:

Music learning:

Turns typing into music!:

I really enjoyed the chicken tutorial:! It was hard to follow at first because of the amount of code that was involved, but by breaking it down into chunks and adding a lot of in-line comments, I was really able to decipher the larger picture of what was going on. Since I also wanted to create a game from an orthogonal perspective in 2D, I followed the tutorial using a 2D project and was able to implement it fully. I especially enjoyed learning about how to pass variables in between Chuck and Unity. I’m really excited about creating a sequencer as the aesthetic of the sequencers I researched are something I believe I would enjoy designing.

I created 3 sketches of 3 different design ideas for sequencers I could potentially maked. They are all premised on the use of a cat and creating music that loops over eachother.

