Chemical Rush Building Process

cole lee
2 min readNov 28, 2022


Name: Chemical Rush

Description: Craft a musical story as you listen to a visitor to the tattoo parlor describe the meaning of their tattoo.


Navigate forward by pressing ‘up’ and ‘down’ keys. Type in an input when you are prompted. Depending on where you on in the map, watch as the musical sequence changes. Press enter to lock in your input.

The production build is for MacOS and may be downloaded here. Import the project into an empty 2D URP project, and press ‘Play’.

Milestone 3:

Since the feedback was to add more interactive components, I decided to change the style of the game to a choose your own narrative that takes the input given by the user and creates an audio narrative based on that. The only thing left to add is an audiovisualiser, and also other layers (“levels”) of the game.

Writing is hard; I’m not sure what to reference for what kind of dialogue should be had, so this is all filler right now. Any ideas for how to incorporate the user input systems into the narrative seamlessly would be appreciated.

Milestone 2:

The interactive software is a storytelling game which layers audio based on how far you progress. It tells a story of a date but uses a dream-like state to tell the story in order to visualise the emotions that are being portrayed using text. This vertical slice has the first scene created and the second scene partially created, with the audio, narration, and visuals defined already.

Writing is hard; I’m not sure what to reference for what kind of dialogue should be had, so this is all filler right now. I also wanted to add more interactive components since right now it’s just walking.

