ASP.NET Core 2.1 and its [lack of] Support for Vue.Js

Owen Caulfield
The Startup
Published in
13 min readNov 19, 2018


Despite Vue’s undeniably meteoric rise to prominence, Vue remains unsupported by Core’s SpaServices. Meanwhile, ASP.NET Core’s two officially supported JavaScript frameworks — Angular and React — are both backed by massive corporations — coincidence?

(My design skills could use some work)

Preface (Post-Feedback)

I’ve received some (constructive) criticism on this article, and it was warranted. There’s a few things I should have been more clear on up-front.

First, my opinions and speculation regarding Microsoft’s dropping of Vue as an officially supported framework are just that — opinions and speculation. The larger goal of that discussion was to spark more conversation about the .NET ecosystem’s (as a whole) growing interaction with JavaScript front-end frameworks on the client side.

Second, I should have mentioned earlier in the piece that the second half of the article is devoted to explaining the work I did in finding a viable .NET Core 2.1 / Vue.js setup. If you aren’t interested in commentary about Vue/.NET, please — scroll down. Additionally, I’ll be expanding on that portion significantly in the coming days. I definitely could/should have made that section more robust.

Finally, I just wanted to note that despite any perceived negativity, I’m a huge fan of…

