The Importance of Physical Fitness

2 min readSep 28, 2018


In today’s society, physical fitness is very popular and important to many for just as many reasons mentally as there are physically. From athletes which workout and diet for a living to regular citizens who do it just to be healthier and live a better life, this even includes children who need to grow up to be healthy.

Everyone should engage in some sort of physical fitness and diet plan to live a healthier lifestyle. There are many mental benefits that come with physical fitness the main one being stress relief and another being increased confidence from being body positive. Being able to exercise to clear our mind and relax the body is a valuable perk.

Exercising daily just for thirty minutes improves the quality of life, delays many age-related illnesses, and can make one live longer. The exercise doesn’t have to be grueling hard work at the gym the person just need to sweat it can be relaxing yoga, a light jog, or even swimming but they all help.

The physical side of exercise has pretty great perks also. There are many things that will help you live longer such as a strengthened heart and clear arteries and veins keeping these things in good health decreases chances of an heart attack or stroke. There is also decreased blood sugar levels and weight control which is great for preventing diabetes. All of these things and increased cognitive function happen when kids exercise.

Another perk of daily exercise is energy many people feel more energetic and reduces the chance of them tiring during the day. Which also help more with health by establishing sleeping routines. It makes skin look healthier and younger and also helps brain health and memory.

