A Defense of Easy Mode in Video Games

Ben Copeland
2 min readFeb 9, 2024


If you tell a “hardcore gamer” that you have played a game on easy mode, prepare to be shit on more than you ever have been in your entire life. At times, it is ridiculous how much an easy mode in a game is looked down upon. I’ve seen everything from “you haven’t truly experienced the game”, to angry paragraphs antagonizing the person who played on easy mode, and this needs to stop. Here’s why easy mode is perfectly valid, and at times, an even better way to experience the game.

Now, I could go with the basic answer: It makes it easy for newcomers to pick up. While that is certainly true, I had a friend who hated RPGs, picked up Persona 4 Golden on normal, hated it, then played on easy mode and had a blast. But this defense I don’t think is enough, It’s a valid reason to play on easy, but I think there are more benefits than just newcomer accessibility.

Easy mode is also a good way to introduce someone to a series: Playing on easy mode sets low stakes, so if there’s a series you love you want to introduce to someone, they’ll be more likely to enjoy that series without pressure from difficulty, and may become a fan with you.

I am also under the belief that you can be hardcore, or even be a seasoned veteran of a specific series and still play on easy mode to avoid pressure. If you want to kick back and enjoy a game without challenge, that is a valid way to experience the game. That might even be healthier, as you aren’t stressing over difficulty or stat building or grinding, so you can simply kick back and enjoy the game without compromise. So in the end, games are supposed to be fun. Enjoy them. Don’t be elitist and let people enjoy things. Play games how YOU want to play games.

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Ben Copeland

Hey! A fan of video games, books, movies, and most forms of media. Talking about stories is my passion. Sci-fi nerd and Nintendo gremlin. Thanks for reading.