How to fork a GitHub repository.

Chris Bentley
2 min readDec 2, 2023


I am writing this article to walk us through the process of forking a repository in Github.

GitHub is a web-based platform that provides a centralized hub for version control and collaborative software development.
It is widely used by software developers and teams to host and review code, manage projects, and build software collaboratively

Forking a repository in GitHub is the process of creating a personal copy of someone else’s project files or repository.
This copy is entirely independent of the original project files and it allows us to make changes to the code without affecting the original repository.

Forking is a basic concept in collaborative development and is often used when we want to contribute to a project, fix issues, or make improvements.

Upstream Repo: This is the original repository we are copying/forking project files from.

Forked Repo: This is our own copy of the project files after forking a repository from the upstream repo.
We can do whatever we want with the forked repo.

Here are the steps that I took in order to fork a Github repository:

1st step: I created a Github account.

2nd step: While I was logged-in to my Github account, I copied and pasted the URL provided to me by the developer that created the upstream Repo as depicted in the screenshot below.

3rd step: After pasting the URL of the upstream repo in my web browser, I was given the option to fork the repository, after clicking on “fork”
every file in the upstream repository was successfully forked to my GitHub repository.

4th and final step: Afterwards, I clicked on “Code” in order to retrieve the URL that’s unique to my copy of the forked Repo as depicted in the screenshot below.

Thanks for taking your time to read my article….



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