Why the World Needs More Powerful Women

Collette Keehnen
2 min readMay 17, 2020


Let’s think about the phrase money is power.

Does it ring true for you? How does it make you feel?

Throughout all of history, money and power have been intrinsically intertwined- and almost always associated with the masculine. We like to imagine a world in which money- and the power that comes along with it- are equally associated with the other 50% of the population.

But the kind of power we’re talking about here is different.

It’s the power to live your life on your own terms.

It’s the power to pursue what’s important to you.

It’s the power to feel like you’re making a difference.

It’s the power to live your life confidently and intentionally.

It’s common for women to view money as a means to help others rather than to increase their own profile. Those attitudes, admirable as they may be, have helped fuel a power gap directly caused by the very real, and very persistent wage gap.

For the most part, women are encouraged to play it safe, help others, and encouraged to be humble — and if not told explicitly, then learned implicitly through the way we talk about money and the way we’re perceived if we decide to not agree with those sentiments.

The world desperately needs more empowered women and women in power.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines “power” as the ability to control people and events.

But imagine a world where power is not in relation to or at the expense of others. This power doesn’t detract, it only gives value and lifts others up. The goal now is to reframe that definition of power and make it accessible to as many people as possible. An empowered woman empowers others.

So, I have a challenge for you.

Imagine what it would feel like stepping into your own power.

What would your life look like? What could you do?

Now- what are you going to do to get there?



Collette Keehnen

Lifelong student passionate about empowering women & social justice.