Interview with the ECC Marketing-Team

4 min readAug 16, 2018


1. What is ECC and how would you explain it to non-crypto speakers?

It’s a peer-to-peer digital cash and payment system that also offers private and decentralized services such as instant messaging and file storage.

2. What are the use cases you are looking to cover?

The use cases ECC are looking to cover are as follows:

  • Digital Cash (peer-to-peer)
  • Digital Payments (for products and services)
  • Decentralized File/Cloud Storage
  • Private Messaging (similar to that of email and/or instant messaging)
  • Open Source Development Platform (other developers can build additional services on top of the ECC network)

3. Why do you think that ANS (Adress Name Service) and Private messaging are so important to the crypto world?

ANS is very important to the crypto world from a mass adoption perspective. The idea of the average non-technical person having to risk losing coins/tokens during a transaction due to the error of a trying to type or copy and paste a 64-character pseudorandom public key just isn’t practical. One must feel confident that the chances of making these types of mistakes are greatly minimized, and ANS solves this problem by giving the user the option to create a much easier to remember ANS name (username) that connects with any existing public key.

Private messaging is also important because we currently live in a world where users aren’t in control of their own data. Often messages are combed through and sold to advertisers at the highest bid in order for a particular business entity to profit with no incentive to the user themselves. ECC’s private messaging service would put those days to rest ensuring that a user is in control of their own data.

Here is also an short video explanation:

4. How can ECC help simplify the usage of crypto for mass adoption ?

Not only does ECC aim to create a coin where multiple services (i.e. messaging, file storage, etc.) can be utilized within one platform, that being Sapphire. Sapphire also has a special focus on ease-of-use, with much help from ANS, and an intuitiveness to give end users a UI/UX to remember.

5. What’s the added value of ECC in comparison with other competitors?

ECC’s multi-chain system without a doubt! Other coins/tokens can get bogged down on the financial chain if the same blockchain is used for other purposes such as file storage and etc. ECC’s multi-chain concept ensures that the core financial chain remains lightning fast, while the other side chains (i.e. file storage side chain and messaging side chain) carry their own weight (another word for weight in this scenario would be data). Not to mention, once our multi-chain system and foundational network services are completed, future developers will be able to create new services right on top of our open-source network.

6. Who is behind ECC? What are their Backgrounds?

Greg Griffith is the founder and lead developer behind ECC as we know it today and has been in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space since 2012 and was coding a few years before entering crypto as well. He has contributed to over 20 different cryptocurrency projects over the years with the most notable being Bitcoin (no longer contributing) and he currently contributes to the development of Bitcoin Cash and of course ECC.

ECC also has a team of 7 additional developers and a marketing team of 10 that specialize in skills that vary from content marketing to community outreach to media relations just to name a few.

7. Thinking about the future, do you have any roadmap with relevant upgrades or partnerships?

ECC’s roadmap can be found on the website homepage and includes relevant upgrades such as a SPV wallet and services (securely verify transactions and data without having to download the whole ECC blockchain), Android and iOS mobile apps and the implementation of our core network services, messaging and file storage. Our roadmap will continue to grow and evolve as the project moves forward.

ECC also has a team member, Tom van Els, who is specifically dedicated to strategic development and partnerships, so please understand that this is also a very important task on the ECC agenda.

8. Plans for exchanges?

Our marketing team is actively and constantly working on searching for and building relationships with exchanges of all different sizes with a focus on ones with larger daily trading volumes to bring more liquidity as well as market awareness to ECC. Unfortunately, due to confidentiality reasons with the exchanges, we cannot provide any more information.

9. Other important facts about ECC:

  • Has been in existence since 2014
  • Is a coin with its own code base and not a token built on top of another coin’s existing blockchain
  • Did not have an ICO
  • ECC is not an acronym for anything
  • Uses the same AES 256 CBC encryption as BTC
  • Currently uses the PoS consensus algorithm

Any additional information can surely be found either on our website or by asking a team member in our Discord community.

