Interview with Kalkulus Team

7 min readSep 28, 2018


1. What is KLKS and how would you explain it to non-crypto speakers?

Kalkulus is a community driven blockchain project based on its own open source cryptocurrency (KLKS), a decentralized digital deflationary asset that enables instant transactions to anyone, anywhere in the world.

KLKS currency is based on Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol with masternode capability, meaning that the validation of the new blockchain blocks is certified by the coins existing in the investors wallets.

Kalkulus offers a long-term and perfectly balanced passive income for stakers and masternodes holders. Masternodes and staking wallets contribute to maintain the KLKS blockchain reliable, fast, stable and secure.

Kalkulus wants to be as a long-term project for investors, traders and cryptocurrency lovers.

2. What are the use cases you are looking to cover?

In our opinion for any crypto-oriented project It is very important to look at other use cases that are not the mere “financial trading instrument”.

Through “The Hub” and other planned developments, we started to offer services related to proof of stake and masternode technologies characterized by ease of use allowing to our customers to safely experience the potential benefits of passive income.

The Hub is one of different elements that we are working on to create a complete ecosystem that aspire to bring cryptocurrencies in everyday business and commerce.

As our target is to favour adoption of cryptocurrencies, through our marketplace and payment gateway we aim to connect digital assets that are our partners inside The Hub with a portfolio of selected vendors that will accept crypto as payment method: that way users of The Hub can easily connect to this commercial ecosystem and use their crypto holdings and rewards to buy stuff from selected vendors, but in a traditional way and through a familiar graphic interface, ass they already do in their shopping online.

Lowering barriers on using cryptocurrencies will be the best way to connect those that are still not used on digital cas and merchants that would start to accept crypto as payment gateway.

3. You’re talkin about the ‘The Hub’, what is it exactly ?

The Hub is a proprietary set of web-tools aimed to favour and increase the adoption of Kalkulus and other digital assets that are implemented on the platform over times.

The Hub includes a multi currency masternode hosting and deployment service, a multi currency “virtual” staking service, an online wallet with KLKS onsite buy option as well as advanced monitoring tools to keep tracks of investments.

Multi currency shared masternode deployment service and multi currency web wallet will be available soon.

Thanks to this wide array of web tools, users can easily earn passive incomes fast and without any technical skills, keeping track of their investments with a very detailed statistics system and real-time rewards notifications.

The Kalkulus team keeps on working on The Hub to improve its services and security, as well as to add new features to keep it ahead of the competing services in its market segment.

‘The Hub’ services

4. How can KLKS help simplify the usage of crypto for mass adoption ?

In recent years, with technologies such as Proof-of-Stake and Masternode, many blockchain-based projects have successfully simplified the “passive income” sector. However, contrary to this, barriers linked to the lack of user friendliness prevent today a widespread diffusion of cryptocurrencies.

We really believe that partnership between teams could be the key for faster adoption of digital assets in the real economy, with huge benefits for all parts. “The Hub” is our solution that allow to coins integrated on the platform to be available in a single place, with the purpose of simplify masternodes investments and staking process. We can proudly affirm that we are first to offer to all proof-of-stake based digital assets a product, called “Staking V-Box”, that allows to maximise benefits of staking as passive income in a “cloud” solution, breaking down obstacles of staking process.

In our opinion, leaving out all questions relative to market manipulation and instability or price fluctuations, mainly are technological barriers that obstacle diffusion and adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Some people’s have never heard about crypto, if those same people’s have also to deal with platform hard to use, nerd-style marketplace that need download of additional software to use those crypto, this is not the best scenario to favour diffusion of digital cash on normies.

Our purpose is to develop and provide tools that are already used in everyday life from those that never heard about crypto: this will give a confortable environment where they can gradually adopt and use digital cash instead of traditional cash. same is for the merchants: they are scared that digital cash is hard to use or need high-tech knowledge and skills, and this make them scared on adopt crypto system as payment method. We are simply working to create and develop tools that will simplify usage of crypto contributing to diffusion and adoption with an ever-growing number of users.

5. What’s the added value of KLKS in comparison with other competitors?

At the moment there are thousands of cryptographic projects and many others appear every day. To answer your question we should first define the Kalkulus project

  • Project: Kalkulus aims to be a blockchain platform project based on its own PoS currency.
  • Team: The development team is strong, competent, dedicated and shares the same clear vision and path.
  • Reputation: Despite the low market capitalization, Kalkulus is well-known and enjoys an excellent reputation.
  • Development and deliveries: We were able to build and deliver The Hub in record time, receiving many compliments from users and critics. We were one of first team able to develop and release virtual staking boxes.
  • Funding: With Kalkulus Treasury Fund we were able to implement many masternodes whose rewards will be used to support and help future projects growth and development.

I think these points are Kalkulus strengths. The combination of each one of KLKS strengths is our added value in comparison with other possible competitors.

6. Who is behind KLKS ? Backgrounds?

Kalkulus, originally born with the PoW algorithm and with different ambitions, has experienced a constant and ambitious developments that have naturally resulted in an expansion of the team. Our personal background (electronic music production, visual mapping, audiovisual performances, digital graphics, and led programming) apparently have nothing to do with cryptocurrencies, but it was exactly this that moved us to start this journey. After some brainstorming, we had a set of options on the table of things to develop that we are now translating into reality.

The initial exclusive work of the Core team, started by a single person but currently composed of three elements, has been gradually joined by several collaborators. Now our team covers different areas of expertise: from blockchain development to back-end developing; from web design to marketing; from specific roles of community managers up to technical support.

7. How much funds do the core team has in budget for development and marketing?

During this Kalkulus development phase, we usually do not disclose sums spent on marketing and development.

As soon as governance budgeting system will be introduced, masternode holders will be able to submit and vote on proposals through blockchain, favoring decisions on how to allocate budgets for development.

In all case we instituted a “Kalkulus Treasury Fund” that consist in 10 active masternodes (200K KLKS locked) that will produce rewards until 1st January 2019. On this date we will discuss with our community on how to invest all unlocked funds: marketing, promotion and advertising, new exchanges and team expansion are only few of things that we can improve and invest in.

8. Any plans for exchanges?

We constantly listen to our community, we know they would like KLKS to be listed on new exchanges and we would like all investors to be able to trade our cryptocurrency on as many exchange as possible but every step must be taken at right time.

In our opinion, as long as bear market will hit crypto, every new listing could be more a cost than an opportunity.

Before proceeding with new listings we want to apply new coin emission and inflation Kalkulus scheme. Lowering quantity of coins produced per day will led to a lower quantity of KLKS on available day by day on market.

9. Thinking about the future, do you have any roadmap with relevant upgrades or partnerships?

The release of our new official roadmap is scheduled for next October, and as anticipated, future plans will be most focused in develop our own marketplace with a payment gateway for our coins partners on The Hub, a mobile app that will allow users to control their investments in a very easy way from their devices, plus a series of initiatives relative to new investments.

I want also anticipate that very soon there will be a wallet upgrades with a new coin emission scheme that will further reduce inflation and that can better support the long-term potential we aim to express.

Thank you for your time. If you enjoyed the read feel free to follow me on Twitter.

