CBD SEO Cheat Sheet For 2019

Bankim Chandra
9 min readMay 26, 2019


If you’re reading this article, then it means you are looking forward to increasing your online sales. Perfect! The objective of creating this lengthy article was to give you detailed suggestions that will help you to enhance traffic on your website. This article will talk about minor and major factors that you must take care of when you implement SEO on your CBD oil website. We will be discussing all the elements one by one.

CBD Website/Domain Name/ Web Hosting/SSL. Start Well.

While choosing your domain name, try to keep it as small as possible. The shorter the domain name, the better it is. Think of it as a factor that affects the cost of operation for search engines. For longer domain names the search engine will have to scan a large number of characters in the URL. As a merchant, you prefer to minimize the cost of operations, and the same goes for search engines; this is the reason why we suggest you choose your CBD oil website domain name wisely. Keep it short and straightforward.

PMD Partial Match Domain Name For Your CBD Website And Its Impact On Branding As Well As SEO.

You may have heard about PMD as it is widely used across the search engine optimization community.

In this article, we will assume that you know about “Keywords.” Previously people used to get fast rankings by buying domain names which match precisely to the keywords that most users search. Unfortunately, now the case has changed. You can still use the exact match keyword, but you will have to play a trick with the implementation. This means you’ll have to add your brand name to the keyword. Let’s take an example of Quadrapay. The first part of the domain name is Quadra, which means the plinth of a podium. It connects with our objective of being a merchant service resell er and assisting processing companies across the globe in advertising their products. The second part of the domain name closely relates to our Industries main objective, which is payment processing. This can be an example of a partial match domain name. It will help if you work on choosing the right domain name for your business. It will help you to elevate your brand as well as help you in educating your visitors about your line of business.

Another example would be Semrush. It is one of the most popular tools used by experts around the world for Search Engine Optimization activities. The first part of the domain name means Search Engine Marketing, and the second part of the domain name is rush, which involves the movement of abundant traffic. The moment someone hears about semrush, they would know that it has to do something with search engine marketing or internet traffic.

Web Hosting

Your web server plays a crucial role in determining the growth of your website. You must be aware that your website is not the only the website which Google will crawl. Every search engine tries to crawl a maximum number of sites. They give better rankings to those websites that load fast and deliver better performance. If your web server is not up to the mark, then there is a huge possibility that your site may not get better SERP rankings. We recommend you to work with the best web hosting provider that can offer fast loading service for your website. While choosing your web hosting company, make sure that the data center of the hosting provider is located in the country of your visitors. If you are a CBD oil merchant in the European Union, then it’s better for you to have your data center somewhere in Europe rather than having in Hongkong, Australia or South Africa. There is a different type of hosting solutions available. If you are on a budget, then you can go for a shared SSD hosting. If budget is not a challenge, then we recommend you to go for a dedicated hosting or a virtual private server. Please keep in mind that large organizations that make millions of dollars every year through E-Commerce spend a considerable amount of money on web hosting.


Technically it’s mandatory for every website to have an SSL certificate. Search engines give better rankings to your site if it operates on the https protocol. It means that the visitors would see a green padlock on the web browser. SSL certificates are available in different variants. Some free SSL like those from Cloudflare Or Lets Encrypt may only show a green padlock but paid SSL indicates the complete name of your company on the URL bar. Your customers will feel secure if they see your company’s name in the URL bar. You must be aware that when you apply to get a merchant account for CBD oil, the processing company will also ask you to have an SSL certificate on your website. SSL is a mandatory requirement, and the purpose of the same is to secure the transaction information by encrypting it.

Choose Your Content Management System(CMS) Wisely.

A content management system helps you to manage your website efficiently. The CMS has two parts the frontend and backend. The frontend is the section of the site that is visible to visitors the backend is the section of the website which is usually accessed by webmasters and developers. We have seen many CBD oil merchants using page builders to create E-Commerce CBD sites. Sometimes these merchants face critical challenges in terms of integrating the payment gateway as many of these page builder solutions do not allow account holders to upload PHP CSS and JavaScript files. You should evaluate at least 2–3 popular content management systems and then choose the best one which is easy to operate. Some of the right options that we recommend are WordPress with Woocommerce, Magento, Prestashop, Joomla, and Opencart.

Structure Of The Website

E-commerce business is not a 50-meter sprint; it’s a Marathon. When you create a website, it may only have four or five pages, but over a due course of time, your site may even have 500–1000 plus pages.

If you get a book which has a thousand chapters but no table of content, then would you be able to navigate to the sections efficiently. To avoid this challenge, every book has a table of content. The same story applies to your website. The site is a combination of Audio, Video, Text, and Images. The structure of your website works as the table of content. If you are selling CBD products like CBD oil CBD shampoo or CBD gel, then on your website, you should create categories for each product type. This will help your website visitors to search for similar products on your site. It will also help you to manage the site easily.

Content Matters.

Content is the king and will always be the king. The communication lifecycle is here to stay forever. When you create content for your website, try to keep it as natural as possible. Think of it as you are talking to someone. This will make your content easy to understand. Please keep in mind that although your content is going over the internet, eventually there is an individual who is going to read it. Soon more than 60% of website visitors will be using mobile devices and voice assistant services. You should create content on your website that gives short and to the point answers. This will help your website to generate better ranking at search engines.

Research For CBD Oil SEO Content Writing

If you want to rank on search engines, then you should start thinking like a web visitor. Great content begins with high ranking keywords. These word sets are usually searched by web visitors to find products similar to what you are selling. We suggest you evaluate tools like Infinitesuggest Semrush and MOZ to find the most relevant keywords for your CBD oil business. After seeing these keywords, you should go ahead and create a simple snapshot of pointers that you wish to cover in the continent. There is a simple way of doing this.

Take the keyword put it on google search take your time and read at least the first five organic results. This will help you to understand what kind of concept the top five pages are promoting that is assisting these website rank better than yours. Once you have all the pointers that have been discussed by the high ranking pages, it’s time for you to rewrite the content. When I say, rewrite it does not mean that you copy the content and try to use in spinners to change it. If you do so, you will be caught, and your website may be penalized. The way I would suggest you handle this is by creating even better content that touches all the factors from the top 5 pages. You should also add additional elements that other website may have missed. If you think that this way your content is going to be lengthy and nobody is going to read it still, you should try to create engaging and extended content. We have seen many websites crushing the competition by utilizing highly innovative content writing skills. Whenever you write content on your website, try to offer maximum knowledge and benefit to the visitor. If you are trying to write a description of a CBD oil product, then give detailed information about the origin of the product, the percentage of THC concentration, Quality of the product, any labs certification that the product may have and how the product is better than most of the competitors.

Page Factors Like Headings, Images, And Text Length.

Let’s look at on-page factors. When you talk to Search Engine Optimization companies, they would always say that they will be working on on-page as well as off-page factors. What exactly is on-page activity and how it relates to CBD oil merchants in the European Union? All the activities that you perform on your website are on page activity. Any action that you play on other websites is considered off page activity.

Focus on creating the perfect structure of your website. It would help if you also focused on giving the correct structure to every page. This can be easily be achieved by utilizing the heading tags from H1 to H6 remember. It would be best if you only used H1 one time on the page. If the content does get diversified, then use a different heading tag like H2 to H6. The essential topics should have higher heading tags.

Length of the content also plays a critical role in getting your website rank high. Gone are the days when sites used to gain rankings by just drafting 350 words content. These days you may even have to write content as extensive as 5000 words. Do not get scared because this particular article also has over 3000 words. One should also be aware that the objective is not to unnecessarily make the content long but is to give detailed Information about various subtopics on the same page. A more substantial content can help you to rank the same webpage for multiple related keywords.

Use of image.

With every webpage content, you must have at least one featured image. Depending upon the content management system that you use the featured image maybe display at different positions. Some themes may display the featured image right below the menu bar, and some may show the featured image in the center of the article. The featured image should be related to the topic. If the image is relevant, then it will create a positive impact on your visitors. For example, if a merchant sells CBD oil in Germany and operates a website that does not even provide images of the product. Do you think that the merchant will be able to generate money on the internet? Yes, he may generate some money, but he might not generate super massive and commendable growth. Your website is your online storefront. Consider visitor’s as regular customers who would walk in your retail store. The customers would be interested in holding the product in his hand and looking at all the factors of the product. Unfortunately, over the internet, it is not possible for you to give the touch and feel experience to the visitor. Still, you can allow your visitors to click pictures of the product page. Add two or three photos of each product on your website. When you upload the images, make sure that you rename these with related keywords. It would help if you also considered adding your company’s brand name at the end of the image file name.

Keyword Density

This is another popular terminology that usually creates confusion. Keyword density is basically a percentage of the exact keyword in the entire contnet. Many experts suggest that your keyword density should not be more than 2%. Keep your content as natural as possible. If the content demands you to use the same keyword multiple time then you should not hesitate but you should always remember that do not overdo.

You can also use the synonyms of the keyword for headings and body text. Adding related synonyms for keywords helps websites in getting better positions over the search engine.

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