iOS Application Code Basics a Business Owner Should Know

CoolBox Innovative Studio
3 min readJun 9, 2019


With the growing needs of the tech-savvy world, every business person is forced to adapt to the new technological changes as per the requirements of the project and organization. Businesspersons are no longer restricted to generating cash flow, sales, financial, intellectual and physical capital, but instead, are expected to show an understanding of various technologies that influence the growth of the organization.

The technological world is changing at a fast pace, every day brings new technology and it is essential for business people to adapt fast to these constant changes. Below we provide some coding basics a business person should know when he is looking for iPhone app experts for development.

Mobile application development can broadly be classified under two categories: First, we discuss the coding done for the Optimal Performance of an Application. This includes the following tips:

1) Decrease use of Memory: Greater use of memory degrades the overall performance of an app. Take care not to avoid holding unnecessary objects in array or dictionary to hold data as this causes higher use of memory and a decrease in-app performance.

2) Reuse of Object Allocation: It is suggested to reuse objects that have been allocated so as to save time instead of having to create them again and again. This minimizes time, effort and money.

3) Maximize Table and Collection View: For a performance-centric application, we should maximize the use of table view and collection view. They should be re-used to provide optimum performance.

4) Usage of timer and location on necessity: Timer and location incorporated in an app drain the battery quite fast so their usage should be restricted to urgent requirement only.

5) Maximize the use of threading: Maximize use of threading in the code so as to enhance the speed of the application.

6) Use Xcode Instruments: iOS applications should use Xcode instruments to find leakages and other necessary bugs so as to fix the issues in the code and increase performance.

Next, we throw some light on iOS apps built with flexible code so that more functionalities and services can be added as per requirement:

1) Usage of OOPS concept: While developing an iOS application required to have a flexible code, we need to lay stress on the usage of Object-Oriented Programming, even though the platform for iOS development is already an Object-oriented platform.

2) Use of Design Pattern: For a flexible code, one must use a design pattern which is a concept of programming in objective C.

3) Proper Optimization: A properly optimized code is needed so that in the future if any service or functionality is needed to be added, the application can withstand it while giving a high level of performance.

4) Reusability of Classes, Database Handling, and API Integration: A flexible code should involve maximum reuse of codes, classes, database handling, and application program interface throughout the application code.

5) Complexity and length of code: The complexity and number of lines written for an application should be proportionate so that the code remains flexible and it may not create any problems in the future while the application is under the enhancement stage.

It is always a good idea to decide beforehand whether or not your application may need enhancement in the future. This gives an idea of whether to ask your iOS Application developers to write code just for performance or to write code in such a manner that it is flexible to withstand any functionality enhancement to be provided to the users.

Frances Alvarado

These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammeled and when nothing

Originally published at on June 9, 2019.



CoolBox Innovative Studio

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