Digital Zero to Hero: How to reboot your digital alter-ego?

Claire Calmejane
2 min readJan 8, 2017


6pm, phone is buzzing, unknown number. I have 40 VMs. Who is still using VM these days? Can’t they reach out on Whatsapp, Twitter or if urgent, just send me an email with their request, so I can direct them in the right direction? Do people still have landlines and these old school recorders? My husband phone is ringing. It’s his mate, a successful executive thinking about career reconversion in start-up or digital. She just left me one of those VMs. There is the idea for this series of blogspot #digitalbootcamp.

Well here is the cracking news, despite you not having graduated of IT engineering, we are all digital leaders. 3 billion users on Internet , 2.5 billion of us are equipped with a smartphone (1), 1.71 billion on Facebook (2), you check your phone on average 85 times a day in the UK (3) and the 5 highest growth companies generating value worldwide are digital. We live our life digitally and our expectations as customers and owners of businesses have shifted entire industries. There is no head of digital, anymore than there is a head of industrialisation or head of customer. It is just what you do, on a day to day basis, so here are 7 steps to get fitter and accelerate your digital reboot:

  1. Mastering Intrapreneurship: Can incumbents move at the speed and agility of a start-up?

2. The DigiFit: How does your leadership score in DigiSkills?

3. Myth Debunking

4. Catching the DigiTrends

5. Digital 3.0 and why it will drive your diversity agenda

6. My DigiHeroes, the true Digital Gurus

7. SmartUp: Open your digital chakras

  • ***

The series of 7 blogs is inspired by my daily interactions with senior leaders across industries. As Digital became the norm, several leaders are transitioning their leadership.

I am Claire Calmejane, a computer engineer who has spent a decade supporting large organisations harness the power of Digital. I am always scouting for talent across the globe for my projects, if you are passionate, feel free to reach out!

Follow me on Twitter @ccalmeja.


(1) Mary Meeker —

(2) Facebook number

(3) Number of times you check your phone per day



Claire Calmejane

Chief Innovation Officer @ SocGen, co-author of a research report at MIT on Digital Transformation. Views are my own.