Procrastination is a Bitch to Overcome, But It’s Possible to Defeat It

Ceirra Burton
5 min readMar 13, 2018
Photo by from Pexels

Hello fellow readers! How are you today? Good? Fantastic!

Today, I want to talk about something everyone has struggled with at some point in their lives. If you haven’t, then you have a terrible poker face and you should seriously reexamine your entire school career.

So what’s the topic of discussion? That’s right, procrastination! That evil nasty little word that creeps into your vocabulary and can persuade you to do the worst things faster than your slutty best friend after three shots of tequila at a bachelorette party in WeHo.

It can make you push away assignments or tasks, whether big or small, and save them till the last minute. Then, you realize your deadline is tomorrow and it’s 8:05 pm on a Sunday and you must lock yourself in your room and stay up all night to write three papers, finish two math assignments, and build a diorama of your family’s medical history. There’s also that book you were supposed to read two weeks ago, but now you have to Sparknotes that shit and type up a book report like you were Truman Capote breaking the latest Hollywood scandal.

Once everything is completed, what did you just learn about yourself? That you work very well under pressure and baggy eyes are making a fashion comeback. Move over, James Dean!

