Carlos Chettick
3 min readDec 29, 2022

Meson Origins and Future

Everything in the Meson ecosystem is logically structured; nothing has been left to chance, much less its name. Meson is a class of particles in quantum mechanics. At the beginning it wasn’t known exactly what caused the bond between protons and neutrons to shape the core of atoms. Hideki Yukawa in 1930 formulated the Meson Theory which refers to everything that is in middle instances or what is in between. Meson refers to the middle structure that works as a link in order protons and neutrons can interact. In Physics, Meson is like a kind of bridge that acts as an interconnection between protons and neutrons to form the world we know, Meson is life.

That is the ideology or the purpose with which Meson is created in the world of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technologies. It has been created in order to interconnect or serve as a link bridge to unite all the networks of Cryptocurrencies. Now with a more connected Blockchain world, a lot of possibilities open up to develop and build decentralized applications, so we can say that this cross-chain ecosystem is not only for the benefit of users but also for developers and anyone with knowledge that is reflected in the invention of useful products and services for the community.

Meson designed with the idea of ​​serving as an ecosystem with cross-chain products and services solves almost all the technical problems of cross-chain transactions because Meson is precisely built as an enhancement of cross-chain bridges and protocols. Now, once the Meson technology has been deployed and all the technical problems have been solved; what’s Next? The answer, dear reader, is the user experience. This is one of Meson’s most exciting goals, to improve user experience in the cross-chain world by providing tools to make fast, low-cost, convenient and more secure transactions.

Here we can see a direct relationship between the origins of Meson, its purpose, and the reasons why users will prefer to use this protocol to meet their cross-chain needs instead of others. The origin of Meson comes from medium particles that serve as a link; Meson in the world of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technologies was created to serve as a link or connection between different networks to improve the user experience in the cross-chain world. And this is the main reason why users will come to Meson, for the user experience it can offer.

Meson will deploy its technology based on stablecoins as they are the most important within the Crypto environment. Stablecoins are the entry channel into the Crypto world for many people and institutions, so being able to manage stablecoins between different networks with just one click will open up a world of possibilities for several use cases such as savings, transactions, NFTs, DeFi, applications, games, among others. But the best of all, these purposes can be carried out through Meson technology with direct, fast, cheap and secure transactions with the best user experience. Meson is life; Meson is cross-chain interoperability; Meson is the cross-chain future.

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