Guidelines for Common Criteria Certification of Security Functions and Assurance Levels

Shielding our products against escalating cyber threats is imperative, and Common Criteria Certification serves as a linchpin in this defense strategy. This dynamic standard is dedicated to ensuring the resilience of IT tools and systems in the face of evolving threats. This article provides an insight into the requirements for Common Criteria (CC) certification, shedding light on the security, functional, and reliability criteria that underpin its significance.

Common Criteria Certification is synonymous with trust in IT security, with ISO 15408 serving as the international standard meticulously assessing and certifying the security facets of IT equipment.

The certification process encompasses two pivotal components: the depth and comprehensiveness of product testing, which are contingent on the Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL). Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) play a crucial role in delineating the security functions and capabilities required to fulfill the product’s security objectives.

CC certification organizes a framework for the security assessment of IT products. Source: Freepik

An Overview of Common Criteria Certification

CC certification methodology (CEM) is a way to check the security of different kinds of products, like software, hardware, and whole systems. It does this in a planned way.

Internationally accredited standards

As a standard that is known around the global community, CC certification involves an accredited testing laboratory evaluating the security features and capabilities of IT devices and systems and then certifying them by a certification body. It’s a kind of guarantee of trust in the cybersecurity sector.

Assessment of security procedures

The foundation of CC certification is a methodical process for determining a product’s level of security assurance. Access control, encryption, encrypted communication, and vulnerability management are all examined to guarantee that the highest security standards are met.

International Acknowledgement and Trust

The trust of consumers both in their place of origin and throughout the world can be increased by CC certification. It’s an impartial review that makes international data sharing more secure.

Getting trust and compliance

Common Criteria Certification provides confidence by independently confirming a product’s security features and controls. It promotes the use of security best practices and aids in the selection of safe IT solutions for consumers and businesses alike.

Functional Standards for Security

Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) are the main focus while discussing CC certification. The security features and capabilities of a product must be defined by these criteria to achieve the desired security goals. They make sure the security measures always work as intended, foiling any possible risks.

Various Security Guidelines

SFRs are the foundation of CC certification since they define the precise safety requirements and capabilities that products must meet. These standards are not one-size-fits-all; rather, they are customized to the specific security demands of diverse kinds of products ranging from software to network equipment, smart card technology, and more.

This method assures that any product, whether it is an operating system, a network device, a smart card, or something else, fulfills the appropriate security criteria. Let’s take a look at some of the major security criteria addressed by SFRs.

User Permissions and Control of Access

Common Criteria Certification requires good user authorization management for access control. This requires the least privilege, role-based access control (RBAC), and access control lists (ACLs) to limit resource access. Access control must be fine-tuned to reduce data leaks.

CC certification increases reliability by providing an independent evaluation of a product’s security components. Source: Freepik

The Protection of Sensitive Information

Encryption protects sensitive data and is a fundamental security requirement for CC certification. Secure key management is a critical component, as it is dependent on robust algorithms for encryption such as AES and RSA. This is maintained throughout the entire tenure of cryptographic keys. Data in transit and at rest are both encrypted to ensure that they remain illegible in the event of unauthorized access in the absence of decryption keys.

Security Event Monitoring through Audit Logging

Active security measures like audits, logging records, and monitoring system activity. CC-certified systems must log, analyze, and report security events to identify risks and verify security policy compliance. Effective audit logging helps discover and respond to security problems by providing system visibility.

Ensuring Security Through Cryptography Key Management

CC certification requires cryptographic key management. Secure key creation, storage, rotation, and destruction are included. Key management protects encrypted data, a crucial part of IT security.

Safeguarding Sensitive Information During Transmission

In Common Criteria Certification, secure communication protects data during network transfers. It uses TLS and SSL for secure connections, mutual authentication, and data integrity. In an age of data breaches and eavesdropping, data in transit must be secured.

Understanding these specific features of Common Criteria certification helps firms realize how important these security measures are in satisfying CC certification’s strict criteria. These practices promote confidence in IT devices’ security features and capabilities, supporting CC certification’s goals.

Requirements for security

While Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) direct attention to the operational aspects of security features, Security Assurance Requirements (SARs) scrutinize their dependability, consistency, and quality, along with the processes involved in their development

Lifecycle Guarantee

SARs assess every stage of a product’s lifespan, including testing, maintenance, and design and development. Their demands emphasize the necessity for comprehensive assurance and call for clearly defined and documented security development procedures.

Assessment of Assurance Levels in Certification Processes

The rigorousness of a product’s security assessment and assurance procedures determines its EAL, or evaluation assurance level. From EAL1 (essential) to EAL7 (officially validated and tested), these levels are in order.

Essential services, government agencies, important infrastructures, and significant organizations must get EAL4+ accreditation, unlike private tech enterprises.

Based on product use and security confidence, organizations choose the right EAL.

A Protection Profile (PP) specifies security requirements for a product category, such as a firewall. The 2022 Common Criteria Statistics Report found that 74% of certifications employed protection profiles (with or without EALs).

‍Popular IT products being CC-certified

CC certification protects several digital ecosystem components, including integrated circuits, smart cards for authentication, multifunction devices, and crucial network infrastructure.

ICs, Smart Cards, and Systems and Devices Associated with Smart Cards

A key component of secure authentication and access control is played by integrated circuits (ICs), smart cards, and similar devices. CC guarantees security, protecting confidential information, and authentication procedures with several certifications.

Multifunction equipment

Many types of office equipment are included in the category of multi-function devices. Multi-function devices with CC certification show off their usefulness and strong security features, such as safe document management, printing, and scanning.

Devices and Systems Related to Networks and Networks

The foundation of every contemporary IT infrastructure is made up of network devices and systems. For these solutions, Common Criteria certification ensures robust network security, including efficient threat detection, encryption, and access control.

Although CC accreditation is very valuable, there are challenges. Source: Freepik

The challenges and deliberations

Although CC accreditation is very valuable, there are challenges. Here are some important things to think about for companies looking to get certified.

Technical Ability

The CC certification process is complicated by particular security requirements and their execution. Organizations need cybersecurity expertise to navigate this terrain and guarantee their products match these standards with technical accuracy, boosting digital security.

Complex Security Standards

CC certification requires compliance with particular security standards in encryption, access control, secure logging, and network protocols. Details and technological complexity are common in these requirements.

Intricate Complementation

Implementing these principles in security measures is difficult. Businesses must guarantee their goods fulfill criteria and are technically sound. This demands a solid grasp of security concepts.

Knowledge Required

Organizations require cybersecurity and CC certification experts to handle this complexity. This expertise is essential for security design, implementation, and documentation.

Required Resources

Experience and resources are needed for CC certification. To strengthen cybersecurity, organizations must manage skilled individuals, financial investments, and time commitments.

Trained Employees

To achieve Common Criteria certification, you need qualified staff who understand the procedure. These people guide certification, ensure compliance, and resolve issues.

Invest Time

The CC certification procedure takes time. From planning and documentation to review and feedback, it takes time. Extended timelines might drain an organization’s resources.

Resources for finances

CC certification involves finances, including staff salaries, evaluation fees, and sometimes specific technology or software. The certification procedure requires these funds.

Minimal and Restricted Funds

Smaller businesses or those with tighter budgets might require assistance in properly distributing these resources. Such firms may find it difficult to get started because of the expense and resource requirements of CC accreditation.

Navigating Over the Process

To guarantee long-lasting security, obtaining CC certification is a rigorous procedure that calls for documenting compliance, interacting with assessment laboratories, grasping intricate requirements, and embracing continual development.

Stages and Recordkeeping

There are several stages in the CC certification process, and each one calls for thorough documentation to prove compliance with CC criteria. For certification and assessment purposes, this paperwork is necessary.

Connections with Evaluation Laboratories

Companies that have their products tested by testing laboratories need to interact with them. In this interaction, paperwork must be submitted, questions must be answered, and comments from the evaluator must be addressed. In this process, effective communication is essential.

Recognizing Standards

It might be difficult to comprehend and interpret Common Criteria requirements. For organizations to successfully execute these standards, they must have a thorough understanding of them. Non-compliance may result from misunderstandings or errors in interpretation. Preventing miscommunications of this nature can be greatly aided by the assistance of a skilled CC consultant.

Constant Enhancement

A continuous dedication to upholding security standards is necessary for CC certification; it is not a one-time endeavor. Companies have to keep up with changing standards and threats, which means they have to keep working to make sure their goods are safe and legal.

Engaging the services of a Common Criteria expert can greatly facilitate the overall assessment procedure. Source: Freepik

How can CCLab assist you?

In addition to continuing assistance from qualified professionals, CC consulting facilitates the preparation of templates, documents, security targets, and pre-vulnerability assessments.

The certifications that CClab’s consultants possess as Common Criteria testing laboratories, from the German BSI scheme to the Italian OCSI scheme, attest to their proficiency in following CC policies and best practices.

Their vast knowledge includes all critical evaluation components, such as producing excellent documentation, improving the security of development sites, and streamlining the creation and preparation of products for optimal safety, effectiveness, and speed. Their expertise in these fields guarantees a thorough and efficient application of Common Criteria assessments.

When preparing for an impending CC assessment assignment, customers may find a valuable resource in a thorough training program such as CCGuide.

Common Criteria Assessment

Before starting the Common Criteria review project, it is crucial to make sure that all necessary stages are completed in addition to choosing a competent and authorized Testing Laboratory.

A kickoff meeting is held at the beginning of the assessment to discuss several topics, including participant identification, subject clarification, material handling, and document management.

Practical assessment operations depend on evaluators having access to key materials, such as the Target of assessment (TOE) and developer papers. Activity Reports (AR), which describe pass, fail, or inconclusive findings, and Observation Reports, which cover inconclusive and failed work units with explanation judgments, are two essential reports that are essential to the assessment process.

After the assessment is completed, the Laboratory creates the Evaluation Technical Report (ETR), which includes all of the evaluation team’s conclusions and recommendations.

All Activity Reports (ARs) have to be fully addressed with a “Pass” result for each work unit to guarantee the completion of the ETR. After that, the ETR is sent only to the Certification Body for careful review and is the foundation for the Target of Evaluation (TOE) Certification Report.

Summing Up the Discussion

The widely acknowledged standard that forms the basis of the CC certification procedure methodically assesses and certifies the security of IT products. It builds confidence, encourages adherence to strict security guidelines, and makes the digital environment safer. However, becoming certified under the Common Criteria can be a difficult and resource-intensive process.

Employing a Common Criteria expert may greatly improve manufacturers’ security posture and promote a safer online environment.

Agile cybersecurity lab CCLab gives clients full assistance by providing common criteria evaluation services and CC consultancy (support for ISO 15408). In the end, the organization creates a more secure digital environment by enabling manufacturers to effectively manage the intricacies of cybersecurity examinations.



CCLab - The agile cybersecurity lab

CCLab is an agile, ISO 17025 cybersecurity laboratory primarily working in Common Criteria evaluations, consultations. Since 2023, CCLab is part of QIMA Group