MVE 1/100: One Small Step

Clayton Colt Mamele
3 min readJan 23, 2018


If you’re wondering what this very obscure title is about, make sure to READ THIS FIRST. Otherwise feel free to read the following without any context.


1. What my main focus is on today:

Updating the pitch deck for my company,, as we head into our Seed raise and several pitch competitions.

2. My goals today:

Finish two iterations of the pitch deck, create an agenda & presentation for the product development team meeting tomorrow, finish research for our esports client.

3. Obstacles I face:

My car is having engine trouble(again, 2nd time in 2 months errggh). I need to get a response back from our CTO, Taylor, about progress on bugs over the last 36 hours. I’m also waiting on a good bit of information necessary to move forward on the report for our esports consulting project(sorry this is lofty, I just can’t talk about much right this second).

4. Where I’m traveling to accomplish those goals:

Canvs -Downtown Orlando, the coworking space that I work out of 3 days a week.

5. Authors I’m reading and articles I recommend:

I rediscoved an article from last year on the growth of influencer marketing on Instagram. It popped up on my radar as I was putting together a report on the ineffectiveness of disruptive advertising to Millennials. I’m not an instagram user myself but an instagram influencer marketing firm is working at the table about 20 feet infront of my desk.

I’m also currently rereading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey.

6. What I’m watching Twitch & Youtube:

I found this Vlog, on the bromance between Peter McKinnon and Casey Neistat absolutely hilarious. A tweet by Casey regarding the @v2app also caught my attention as I’m looking forward to its release.

7. Something overheard in the office:

The #Trents_Trending channel in our company discord rarely disappoints and today was no exception. When asked if he had to choose a food from anime or a video game, Trent responded with this:

“I would probably hire BOTW Link to be my chef. I would give him plenty of hearty radishes and trout…..maybe some voltfruit to spice things up.”

8. A valuable lesson I learned or relearned today:

A quote I ran across in the early chapters of 7 Habits,

“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root” — Henry David Thoreau

I find myself easily falling into the ranks of the 1000. Running around doing busy work and convincing myself that I’m making progress.

Reading this reminded me how important it is to stop and take a moment to address the root of my ‘problems’ and not just alleviate the symptoms.

9. A word I keep thinking about today:

Sought. v, to go in search of, to try to discover, to try to acquire or gain.

I recently used this word and for some reason my reticular activator hasn’t let it go. I can’t put my finger on why, but it feels very unnatural to speak aloud.

10. A question submitted from the previous article:

This is the first post! If you’d like to get your question into this experiment make sure to post it below.

This experiment took 11 minutes 3 seconds and 2 milliseconds to complete.

Like all good experiments, this one needs feedback to be revised! What are your thoughts on the first entry? I want to keep it at 10 questions but I also would like to add a section about food as we have a daily discussion on what everyone is cooking.

I’d love to hear your ideas on my Twitter: @ColtMamele or join my company’s Discord to get a faster response!

Thanks for reading! Leave a clap or buy me a coffee if you’re feeling up to it!




Clayton Colt Mamele

Serial entrepreneur, lover of esports and coffee. Cofounder of @StreamFluence, Baker of @LeaseCake.