My Irrational Fear of Writing.

I’m terrified of writing. Even now as I write these words, there’s a knot in my stomach.

Clayton Colt Mamele
2 min readDec 19, 2017
Credits: ‘Surviving the three fears of writing’ — Cayce Berryman

Why? Why do I have this feeling of anxiety every time I start writing? I’ve thought for a long time trying to properly answer this question. There’s really no good answer; and there shouldn’t be.

I know that in all likelihood very few people, if any, will read this article or any of the content that I make for that matter. So why do I care so much about the quality of the text? I’ve never been bad at writing. I always did well in school. I write emails and newsletters to clients, mentors, and investors on a daily basis without the slightest hint of doubt or hesitation. I even edit the work of my company’s content writer and help him more fully develop his ideas. Yet when it comes time for me to write an article, I completely freeze.

There’s a little voice in my head that tells me “no one will even read this so why bother writing it”. Mustering up enough courage to address that voice brings out another saying “what if people do read it and think your ideas are terrible?”. What a strange way to address fear this little voice has. It would rather me do nothing in an attempt to protect me from….what exactly? Embarrassment? Depression that no one reads my work? Big deal. I find it far more embarrassing that this first article has taken this long to come out.

So now I’m going to make sure that voice knows that it doesn’t control me. Once per day for the next 100 days I’m going to write articles very similar to this one. Short, personal, and to the point. I’m going to use this period as a time of exploration, both into my own thoughts and the various themes that are most prevalent in my life(entrepreneurship, workaholism, and leadership). My hope is that by the end of this adventure, I’ll not only be able to write confidently and for fun, but also be able to help others who feel as crippled by these feelings as I do.

Thank you for reading this all the way through!

If you’d like more 2 minute reads over the next couple of months please feel free to follow me here and on Twitter!

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Clayton Colt Mamele

Serial entrepreneur, lover of esports and coffee. Cofounder of @StreamFluence, Baker of @LeaseCake.