How to Claim CCN | CustomContractNetwork Tokens?

3 min readNov 13, 2018


CCN is a company specialized in the smart contract development and Auditing Services.
We have announced our new campaign "Social Media Campaign (Referral Campaign)" to earn free CCN tokens.
You just have to complete simple tasks to claim your tokens.

Steps to Complete:-

1) Follow CustomContractNetwork (CCN) twitter.
2) Join CCN Telegram Group and Channel.
3) Like and Share CCN Facebook Page.
4) Fill The correct details in form provided here:-
5) Submit.

How to check My Entry of Social Media Campaign (Referral Campaign)?

CCN has provided their own bot to enable participants to check their entry details and verification status.
You can visit their telegram bot at : @ccn_inf_bot
Type "Hello" - To start conversation with Bot.
Type "/show" - To check your social media campaign entry details.
Type "/valid" - To check your participation verification status.

What is "Verification Status"?

When you will use "/valid" command on @ccn_inf_bot, it will show your form verification status.
There are 4 Types of Messages
1) Data Not Found - If your details doesn't match with any entry of social media campaign held by CCN.
2) You are not verified yet - Your details match with entry but CCN team has not verified your form details yet.
3) You have been verified by team - Your details of Social Media Campaign has been verified by team and you are elligible participant. Thus you will receive the tokens at the time of distribution.
4) You have been discarded - Unfortunately, you have been disqualified by the team due to breaking the rules of campaign.

How much Tokens I will Receive?

Every participant will receive 1000 tokens if they have verified successfully by the team.
You can also get more 300 CCN tokens on each valid referral.

How to Get my Extra Tokens for Sharing?

You don't have to worry for your extra tokens. Once team has verified all the participants to whom you shared the referral. You will receive the tokens by the team.

Who is a Valid Referral?

A Valid Referral means "The person who has been referred by you and filled the form completely with proper and correct details".

I lost my referral link :-( Where can I get it?

Don't worry, if you have lost your referral link (that is generated and shown once you submit the form). You can get it again by visiting CCN Telegram Bot (@ccn_inf_bot).

How Referral Link Works?

Each participant will get a unique referral link associated with their details. Whenever someone filled the referral campaign form using your link system will automatically increase your referral count.

How to check my Referrals?

The CCN team is working over it and soon they will announce solution for this that will allow you to check your referral details.

When This Campaign will end?

The campaign will be End by 27th November 2018. It could also be extended by team.

When Distribution of tokens will held for this campaign?

The tokens distribution for Social Media Campaign (Referral Campaign) will start on 10th January 2019. It might be extended by team.

Need Any Help?
Email us at:-

Learn More About CCN:-




We provide smart contract services, Bulk Token Distribution, Custom Smart contacts