The Borgen Project and My Journey

2 min readFeb 15, 2019


The Borgen Project is a non-profit organization that fights global poverty by driving US political attention to those issues. It was founded by Clint Borgen in 1999, and what I find most fascinating about the Borgen Project is exactly the story behind it. It is so inspiring that it made me believe in myself, and made me feel strong enough to have a contribution. The story is that a young university student volunteers for the refugee camps during the Kosova War , realizes how little is made to help people in need, and develops a
web-based campaign which is the Borgen Project. To be honest, I find it quite inspiring, and it is one of the reasons why I am an intern for the organization.

Before learning about the Borgen Project, I used to think that the only way to help is either being a volunteer for the teams that are serving the poorest nations food, shelter, well, and etc. I have never thought it is possible to make a change without too much money or too much effort. The Borgen Project
operates through advocacy, mobilization, congressional relations, and spreading awareness because it is really not hard to help. I feel satisfied now that I am actually helping.

Growing up in Turkey, I have witnessed and communicated with very poor and very rich people at the same time. However, it has never made any sense, and to be honest it still does not! I do not know why I am like that but I remembered asking my parents why there is a huge gap between the poorest and the richest when I was a little kid, and they kept saying that it a rule that some are richer some are poorer. However, I do not believe in that rule, I believe that everyone deserves equal chances and opportunities, everyone deserves to know when they are going to have their next meal, everyone deserves to have a place they can call home, everyone deserves to access clean water, everyone deserves to be able to get an antifebrile when they get sick, and definitely no one deserves to die because they cannot reach for a treatment, education, food, water, shelter, etc. Unfortunately, millions die because of that, and that is disturbingly unfair.

If you are also bothered by the unfairness of the world and feel sympathetic reading this text maybe you should take a look for The Borgen Project.

