Chris Cordi
3 min readMar 18, 2018

How Digital Technology Has Changed My Life:

I have been fortunate enough to see how digital technology has changed life in Australia as I was born in the 1980’s and seen many transformations evolve, such as the old “Brick” analog phones to the touch screen smart phones phones commonly used today.

Many Sunday evenings my brother and I would sit next to our boom-box listening to the Australian Top 40 Countdown, waiting for our favourite songs to play so we can quickly push the record button and make a playlist that would save to a cassette. Whilst today the simplicity of being able to download music from many providers was a conversion that I never thought would take place back then.

I also recall going to my Aunties house to finalise assignments as a primary school student because she had a full set of Encyclopedia books, and now all I/we need to do is surf the net.

In 1998, at fifteen years of age, I was given my first mobile phone, a Nokia 5110, which had a game installed called snake — I was quickly addicted. I never thought that within a decade I will be able to download games via applications to a smart phone along with other applications that interest me.

My First Phone — Nokia 5110

Throughout the last decade I have been accustom to using all facets of digital technology that are associated to my needs and wants. From several Skype calls with my girlfriend as we endured a distance relationship for a while, to modern forms of socialising digitally via Facebook and Instagram and having the opportunity to watch my favourite sports, movies and TV shows at time that suits me best.

However I do feel that digital technology has also had a negative impact on society to some extent. Steven Spielberg recently stated “Technology can be our best friend, and can also be the biggest party pooper of our lives. It interrupts our own story, interrupts our ability to have a thought or a daydream, too imagine something wonderful, because we are too busy bridging the walk from the cafeteria back to the office on the cell phone.” I might receive some negative criticism but I do agree with Steven Spielberg. For the last few years I’ve noticed a shift within my life as I am constantly looking at social media, checking emails, surfing the web or simply playing with my phone and noticing that I’m not indulging the beautiful world that is surrounding me. For instance the sun-setting over the horizon as I walk home from work.

Nevertheless digital technology has certainly made my life simpler and I cannot wait to continue watching how the world evolves as new and exciting inventions emerge.

Hopefully one day I will be joining the early adopters orbiting earth, experiencing driver less cars and other exciting transformations that are currently underway.