4 min readJul 20, 2018


#AYUSH #ZindagiRaheKhush #Unani

Gilo (Tinospora cordifolia Willd) is a herbaceous vine belonging to Menispermacea family. It is a perennial climber herb, found throughout the tropical regions of India.

Gilo (Tinospora cordifolia Willd)


English: Indian Tinospora, Heartleaved-moonseed

Hindi: Gilo, Gilo, Guduchi, Gurach

Bengali: Gulancha

Marathi: Giloa, Gulvel

Sanskrit: Amritavalli

Unani: Gilo

Part Used:

The most important part of the plant is stem, which is also widely available in the market in dried state (Gilo satva). Also the leaves and aerial roots are used for other medicinal purposes.

Chemical Composition and Pharmacology:

The climber contains tinosporon, tinosporic acid, tinosporol, α-sitosterol and cordifolide. Quaternary alkaloids include magnoflorine, tembetarine, berberine and choline.

Leaves contain cordifolone and hepatocosanol. Stem contains cordifol, tinosporidine, diterpenoids, tinosporide, peberilin and β-sitosterol. Other bio-chemical substances include flavonoids and lignans.

Antioxidants include acorbic acid, lycopene, phenol, carotene, iron and anthocyanin.

Nutritional Composition: Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron, Copper, Zinc and Manganese

Pharmacological actions of Gilo:

1. Boosts Immunity: The first and foremost important benefit of Gilo is its ability to boost immunity. It is great for the immune system. It helps to cure infectious diseases of bones, lungs, intestines, blood disorders, intermittent to chronic fevers and dysfunctions of the liver. It acts as a rejuvenating agent too. It increases the blood platelet count and alleviates symptoms of dengue fever as well. A little extract of Gilo combined with honey successfully treats malaria.

2. Boosts Digestion: Gilo relaxes the mind and prevents indigestion. It has a bacteriostatic effect on Cornebacterium tuberculosis and E. coli, thus helpful in gastro-intestinal disorders like dyspepsia, acid dyspepsia, gastritis, oesophagitis, flatulence, thirst, chronic diarrhoea, chronic dysentry, liver disorders, jaundice, biliary disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcer or in any gastro-intestinal colic.

3. Diabetes: Gilo acts as a hypoglycaemic agent. Gilo gives immediate and beneficial effect in glucose tolerance and adrenaline induced Hyperglycaemia. It helps in the production of insulin and enhances the capacity to burn glucose. It can lower the levels of blood pressure and lipids. This makes it very easy to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus.

4. Stress management: Gilo can also be used as an adaptogenic herb. It can reduce both mental stress as well as anxiety. Reported studies on aqueous, alcoholic, acetone and petroleum ether extracts of the stem have shown anti-stress activity and Pyrrolidine isolated from the ethylacetate extract of gilo showed central nervous system depressant activity.

5. Panacea for liver and kidney diseases: It helps to vitalize the liver and prevent any further damage to this vital organ. Gilo also removes toxins from both the kidneys and the liver and makes sure to flush out free radicals

6. Prevents cancer: It stimulates the proliferation of stem cells and increases in total white blood cells and bone-marrow cells thus enhance antibody-producing cells and phagocytic activities.

7. Arthritis treatment: The Gilo extract and decoction is helpful in the treatment and management of gout, gouty arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, clinical conditions or excess urate deposition, due to its anti-inflammatory property.

8. Heart diseases: Gilo along with Piper nigrum has positive impact on cardiac conditions such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, ischemic heart diseases and certain arrhythmias. It will help clear the obstruction in the arteries as well as in the heart and act as cardioprotective agent.

9. UTI: Gilo is used to cure all type of urinary infections such as uricouria, ketonuria, glycouria, haematuria, albuminuria, dysuria, crystaluria, burning micturition in cystitis, urethritis and particularly in diabetes mellitus

11. Reduces Signs Of Ageing: Gilo can also be used to treat signs of ageing as it reduces the chemotoxicity induced by free radical forming chemicals. It contains antioxidants and anti-aging properties that reduce dark spots, pimples, fine lines and wrinkles. It keeps the skin bright, young and beautiful.

Interesting Fact: Though thin, yet strong, the aerial roots of Gilo, were anciently used by Sushruta for suturing surgical wounds. The stronger threads reduced chances of wound rupture and also helped in quicker healing of wounds.


A number of diseases are cured and treated by Unani physicians using Gilo and its formulations with other Unani herbs.

Actions: Daf-e-Huma (Anti-pyretic), Muqqawi-e-Meda (Stomachic), Qabiz (Astringent), Qatil-e-Deedan-e-Ama (Antihelminthic), Mohallil-e-Warm (anti-inflammatory), Mudir-e-Baul (Diuretic), Musaffi-e-Dam (Blood purifier)

Therapeutic Uses: Humma (fevers), Ishal (Diarrhoea), Zaheer (Dysentry), Deedan-e-Ama (Helminthiasis)

Dosage: Decoction: 50 to 100ml

Powder: 3 to 6 g.

Extract: 1to 2 g

Important Unani Compound Formulations: Sufoof-e-Satt-e-Gilo, Sufof-e-Satt-e-Gilo-Sartani, Habb-e-Tabasheer, Qurs-e-Ziabetus Khaas

(Note: Any form of Gilo should be taken under medical supervision. Special monitoring is required for diabetic persons and pregnant women. However, the drug is traditionaly considered to be safe in the dosage mentioned)

Contributed By : Ms Asma Mirza (DSRU, New Delhi)

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The Unani system of medicine is a comprehensive medical system that meticulously deals with the various states of health and disease.