Spectacular Black Seeds (Kalonji)

3 min readAug 13, 2018


#AYUSH #ZindagiRaheKhush #Unani #CCRUM

Kalonji (Nigella sativa) is an annual flowering plant grows at 20–90 cm tall, with finely divided leaves; the flowers are white, yellow, pink, pale blue or pale purple color, with 5–10 petals. Seeds are dark, thin and crescent shaped,having a pungent smell, bitter in taste, belonging to the family Ranunculaceae, which commonly grows on Mediterranean coast in Saudi Arabia, northern Africa and Asia. Black seed is a widely used as medicinal plant throughout the world and also been used for centuries as a spice and food preservative. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once stated that Habbatus sawda (black seeds) can heal every disease except death. In the Unani system of Medicine which originates from Hippocrates, his contemporary Galen and Ibn- sina has regarded black seeds as a valuable remedy in the hepatic and digestive disorders.

It has been recorded that N. sativa seeds were prescribed by ancient Egyptian and Greek physicians to treat headache, nasal congestion, toothache and intestinal worm, as well as a diuretic, to promote menstruation and milk production.

Common names:

Black cumin, Fennel Flower, Nutmeg Flower, Black seed, Black Caraway, Roman Coriander,

Damascena, Devil in-the-bush, Wild Onion Seed.It is also known as Shoneez in Urdu and Habat-ul-Sauda in Arabic language.

Chemical Constituents:

Kalonji contains many active components like nigellicine, nigellimine, nigellidine, thymoquinone, amino acids,proteins, carbohydrates, tannins, fixed and volatile oils.


· Antihypertensive

· Aromatic

· Antibacterial

· Useful in skin disorders

· Muqawwi jigar (liver tonic)

· Muharrik (Stimulant)

· Mudir e baul (Diuretic)

· Musakkin Alam(Analgesic).

· Hazim (Digestive)

· Qatil e kirm (Antihelminthic)

· Kasir e riyah (Carminative)

· Muallid e Laban (Galactogogue)

· Mukhrij e Janeen (Abortificient)

· Mudir e haiz (Emmenogogue)

Proven Pharmacological Activities:

· Antidiabetic

· Bronchodilator

· Anticancer

· Hepatoprotective

· Immunomodulator

· Nephroprotective

· Muhallil Warm (Anti inflammatory)

· Antioxidant

· Spasmolytic

· Cardiac tonic

· Musakkin Alam (Analgesic)

· Gastro-protective

Therapeutic Uses:

In different combinations, the seeds of Kalonji are used in:

· Ishal (Diarrhoea)

· Shaqiqa (Migraine)

· Tukhma (Indigestion)

· Da’al-Tha‘lab (Alopecia)

· Fawaq (Hiccup)

· Baras(Vitiligo)

· Siman Mufrit (Obesity)

· Judham(Leprosy)

· Usr e Tanaffus (Dyspnoea)

· Ihtibas al-Tamth(Amenorrhoea)

· Nazla wa zukam (Cold and Catarrh)

· Yaraqan (Jaundice)

· Dhayabitus (Diabetes)

· Ihtibas al-Bawl (Retention of Urine

· Diq al-Nafas (Asthma)

· Daght al-Dam Qawi (Hypertension)

Mizaj (Temperament):

Hot & Dry


  • For diabetes: 1 gram of black seed powder take twice a day for up to 12 months.
  • For high blood pressure: 0.5–2 grams of black seed powder daily for up to 12 weeks or 100–200 milligrams black seed oil twice daily for eight weeks.
  • For asthma: 2 grams of ground black seed taken daily for 12 weeks.
  • For renal stones: powdered seeds of kalonji (5gms) with pure honey for 21 days are very beneficial.
  • In cold and Catarrh: Dry roast seeds of kalonji, make powder of it, mix with olive oil and use 3–4 drops of this mixture twice daily.
  • In alopecia: Kalonji oil (20gms), powdered henna leaves (20gms) and dissolve these ingredients in Vinegar (60 gms) and then apply at the places of alopecia. Keep this for at least 1 hour, and then wash it off. Follow this treatment for atleast one month.

Unani Compound Formulations:

Habbe Hilteet, JawarishShoneez, MajoonKaklaanj, Roghan e Kalonji.

*For information purpose only. Visit registered Unani physician for consultation.

Contributed by Dr Fouzia Bashir, RA (U) CCRUM

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The Unani system of medicine is a comprehensive medical system that meticulously deals with the various states of health and disease.