Antisemitism from the College Democrats of America IDEA Director and Vice Presidential Candidate Nourhan Mesbah


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — September 17TH, 2021

CDA Jewish Caucus

Antisemitism from the College Democrats of America IDEA Director and Vice Presidential Candidate Nourhan Mesbah

A recent post by Jewish on Campus has brought to our attention a very serious case of antisemitism and it is our duty to call it out, especially because it comes from within the College Democrats of America. The post shows this series of tweets from Ms. Nourhan Mesbah who currently serves as the CDA National Director of Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) and is now running to be the next Vice President of CDA. We first went to CDA President Gabrielle Harris on Wednesday and since then we have gotten no response. Since we have gotten no response to this serious issue we are forced to bring it to light ourselves.

This first tweet, from Ms. Mesbah, appears to show her blaming Jews or “the yahood” in Arabic for her disappointment in the second Presidential Debate between Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. This displays blatant antisemitism and also plays into centuries old tropes of Jews playing puppetmaster over the politics and media. It is an offensive and ignorant statement and still public on Twitter as of this letter’s publication.

Furthermore, the tweet itself includes an @ whereby Ms. Mesbah is corresponding with a known antisemite Dima Jubara (formerly known as @Palestinegxrl) who once tweeted out this picture with a statement saying “God will kill the Jews”, as well another tweet saying “I say ‘I blame the yahood’ at least 25 times a day” and “If I had a dollar for every time I’ve said ‘Allah ya5od I’ll yahood [God will kill the Jews]’”.

To make matters worse, we then see another tweet from @Palestinegxrl featuring a conversation between her and Ms. Mesbah where Dima Jubara is also calling for God to kill the Jews and Ms. Mesbah says nothing regarding how offensive it is. These are only some of the blatantly antisemetic tweets published by Ms. Jubara with whom Ms. Mesbah is corresponding with.

These tweets are unacceptable and show without a shadow of a doubt that Ms. Mesbah is an antisemite and closely associates with other antisemites.

Even if you then say “the ‘I blame the yahood’ tweet from Ms. Mesbah is a joke,” if we dig deeper and look at where the idea Jews controlling politics and the media comes from, we see that it is from centuries of antisemetic canards. These false accusations and subsequent Jewish conspiracy theories became popular in the Middle Ages and resulted in thousands of Jewish people being killed in pogroms. This ties into exactly what Ms. Mesbah said about Jews being at fault for Secretary Clinton’s bad performance in the debate. These words lead to actions which affect real people. Over this past year antisemitic hate crimes have increased by 115 percent. We cannot tolerate this.

Now we take no malice in reporting this but it has to be said because we cannot tolerate antisemitism anywhere, but especially not in CDA which is the future of the Democratic party.

It is for this reason that we call on Ms. Mesbah to not only drop out of the race to be the next CDA Vice President, but to also resign as IDEA director. This shouldn’t need to be said but we cannot have a Vice President or IDEA director who is prejudiced against Jews because antisemitism is anything but inclusive. Additionally, we call on my candidate for Jewish Caucus Chair V Matthew Steinbaum who is running on the CDA: ReConnected Slate to leave it and run on his own so that we can have a scandal free race focused on the issues that matter most to Jewish college students.


College Democrats of America Jewish Caucus Founder and Chair Rudi Weinberg

College Democrats of America Jewish Caucus Vice Chair Danielle Eggers

College Democrats of America Jewish Caucus Secretary, Co-President of the Johns Hopkins Democrats Sylvana Schaffer

