Christopher DavisHow to mint Bushidos from EtherscanContract address: 20, 2021Oct 20, 2021
Christopher DavisinBushidos 👹How to mint BushidoThe mint opens around 10:00am EDT on Wednesday, October 20th. The early mint will close around 10:00am EDT on Friday the 22nd.Oct 20, 2021Oct 20, 2021
Christopher DavisinBushidos 👹The Warriors’ Awakening PuzzleThe window for submitting guesses has ended. The mint date for the Bushidos is October 22nd, 2021.Oct 6, 2021Oct 6, 2021
Christopher DavisinBushidos 👹How to mint a Principle using EtherscanEtherscan address: 23, 2021Sep 23, 2021
Christopher DavisinBushidos 👹The Principles NFTThe Principles NFT is free to mint on Ethereum (just pay gas fees)Sep 23, 2021Sep 23, 2021
Christopher DavisinObvious UnrestPost-It Note ProductivityMy system for staying more organized with the help of Post-It Notes.Sep 30, 2019Sep 30, 2019
Christopher DavisinObvious UnrestPresentation MattersWhen you bring new information to a conversation, it weakens your argument. The other parties haven’t had a chance to buy into it yet.Sep 30, 2019Sep 30, 2019
Christopher DavisinObvious UnrestMy Enneagram Types, Part 2Generally, Fours are intuitive, sensitive, impressionable, quiet, introspective, passionate, romantic, elegant, witty, imaginative and…Dec 18, 2018Dec 18, 2018
Christopher DavisinObvious UnrestMy Myers-Briggs ResultsIssue 006 — Twelve minute readDec 18, 2018Dec 18, 2018