Online vs. Real Identity

Christian Diaz
2 min readDec 16, 2015


To understand the different between online identity and real identity you first have to know what a virtual identity is. A virtual identity is essentially an identity that one establishes on line or through a form of social media. Sometimes it is anonymous or often times it is people posting things that make them look good.

People online tend to portray themselves very different than they do in real life. Often times posting pictures of the interesting things they do and neglecting the everyday things in which they do. This is changing the way in which people act in the real world as well.

Contrary to populat belief that the personality in which people portray online does carry over to the real world, people are discovering that what an individual says and does online may be a factor in influencing everyday relationships and behavior.

The above picture is a good representation of online vs offline identity. As you can see the guy on the right looks multi talented and may portray that on a daily basis he is skateboarding and playing guitar, but the reality is he is just sitting on his couch on a regular basis eating chips.

The problem with online identity is that as you highlight all the great things about your life, this is what people are seeing and they feel as if they have to live up to that same expectation. The more you see people post cool things the more depressed a person will come because they think that person is living a cooler life than they are.

Social media and the internet in my opinion is the best and worst thing ever invented. It is the best thing because you have the world at your fingertips. You can instantly go on instagram and scroll through pictures and see your friends on the beach in December. This also has a negative effect because you will see that photo and want to be there and this will cause depression.

