What is DevSecOps?

Nov 19, 2023


DevSecOps is a methodology in software development that integrates development (Dev), security (Sec), and operations (Ops) into a unified process. The aim of this approach is to consider security at every stage of the software development process, aiming to identify and fix potential security vulnerabilities earlier in the process to reduce risks during software release.

DevSecOps emphasizes that security should be a critical part of the entire software development lifecycle, rather than being an afterthought. It encourages teams to implement security measures and best practices at various stages such as coding, building, testing, and deployment. These practices include automated security testing, code reviews, vulnerability scanning, and more.

By integrating security into both development and operational processes, DevSecOps aims to enhance the security and quality of software, making teams more responsive and better equipped to adapt to changes while addressing potential security issues quickly.

