1 min readJul 5, 2020


There’s a difference between bootleg and pirate recordings.

Bootlegs are unreleased recordings, usually live concerts. These shows were never put out by a label. In some cases, the label didn’t record the show. The fan did.

Pirated music is legitimately released music that’s being copied and resold as new. Many CDs sold in China, for example, are re-packaged music sold as new product without authorization from the label. Meaning the label’s released music is being copied and sold without the label making any money or the artist.

You shouldn’t mix up these terms as being the same thing.

Digital sharing made piracy murky because the sharing end was not asking for money. Both real bootlegs and legit released music were being made available for free. Metallica went after their fans — never a good idea. They didn’t learn from the Dead. However Napster made music into a marketing tool rather than a revenue generator. Turned the industry upside down.

Smart bands today, offer “instant bootlegs “ available right after the show at their Merch Table. The money directly supports the band with no middle man money grab. Support the Merch Table when shows come back again.




Guitarist. Agilist. Vote for humanity. Fuzz. Ambient. 50s jazz. Instrumental rock. A Coney Island of the Mind. Meet me at the crossroads. Look left.