
Richard Coupe
2 min readMar 11, 2019


As a way of recording my adventures taking photographs from above, I’ve begun this blog. The plan is to share some photos and a little bit about where they were taken, for my own nostalgia as much as anything. If someone else ends up reading this, I hope it’s enjoyable!

Caerphilly is a town in South Wales, one of the largest on the periphery of the capital, Cardiff. In 2001 — a mere 18 years ago, never let it be said that the UK is uninterested Considered glamorous, it is generally not, but one of the advantages of being in Wales is that the terrain is inevitably hilly and picturesque. Initially only looking to test-fly my new DJI Mavic Pro, I was surprised at how good things looked from 50m — the legal minimum height to fly when over residential areas — and up.

My wife actually took this beauty while having a go at flying the Mavic.

With Caerphilly “mountain” (a decently sized hill, really) to the right — and some pretty but names-unknown-to-me hills rolling along further back, this shot really shows how pretty Wales is, even in urbanised areas. So much of the area is not (yet) built upon, and the variation in elevation gives some wonderful scenery.

One cold(!) morning overlooking the Caerphilly Nature Reservation … and some warehouses

There are one or two unsightly industrial complexes, as you’ll find more or less anywhere, but the hills in the background offer such contrast that it’s still pretty easy to take an interesting photograph. Of course, the best way to avoid the sight of a less-than-pleasant building or three is to take a photo in the dark. I was lucky enough to get the below shot just after the sun had gone down, giving a beautifully pink horizon.

I only wish I’d slowed the shutter speed for this in order to get better trails from the car lights

