Meet Fractured Atlas’ New Arts & Technology Policy Fellow (Me!)

Courtney Duffy
3 min readApr 6, 2015


I’m thrilled to come on board as the first-ever Arts & Technology Policy Fellow at NYC-based Fractured Atlas. The role, which is made possible through a generous grant from the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation, enables me to join the talented team at Public Knowledge here in Washington, D.C. to tackle tech policy issues that impact artists and innovators. This introductory Q&A is taken from the Fractured Atlas blog and can be viewed in original form here.

Tell us a little bit about your background in the arts.

My devotion to the arts began as a little girl — dance, piano and voice lessons led me to several years in choral and a cappella groups as well as stage and film productions.The opportunity to work for an arts-focused tech organization like Fractured Atlas, where I can harness my professional experience in government and communications to benefit other artists, was something I simply could not pass up.

How do you describe your role at Fractured Atlas?

I’m responsible for informing and engaging the artistic community in federal policy discussions at the junction of communications, technology and the arts. Or, in plain English, I keep an eye on pending policy legislation here in D.C. that impacts Fractured Atlas members and the arts community at large. I’m eager to get to work keeping artists informed and engaged on these issues.

Why the focus on the junction between arts and tech policy?

Fractured Atlas as an organization sits squarely at the crossroads of arts and technology. What better organization to take on the challenge of shaping policy that has residual impacts in both fields? The creative process, in its many forms, is at the heart of the work of artists and innovators alike. It’s natural, then, for their public policy goals to align. On a personal level, my career has benefited from every instance of these fields intersecting. Within a public policy framework they need not remain exclusive — in fact, the Fractured Atlas team believes that they are enriched by each other’s presence.

Where does Public Knowledge fit in?

Public Knowledge is a D.C-based public interest group which focuses on a whole host of issues that impact artists: net neutrality, music licensing, copyright reform and 3D printing to name a few. Together with the PK staff, I will advocate for policies that embody the Fractured Atlas mission of eliminating practical barriers to artistic expression.

What has been the highlight so far?

There are so many to choose from. I’m committed to taking a “hands on” approach to this fellowship, and in less than two weeks I’ve found myself out and about representing Fractured Atlas at the White House, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and on Capitol Hill.

Any final thoughts?

It’s easy to think of arts and culture as a totally separate entity from government — yet Congress and other federal organizations form legislation that impact the arts community on a whole host of levels. Fractured Atlas has its finger on the pulse of this connection. I’m excited to take on this fellowship and illuminate these links.



Courtney Duffy

Born on the campaign trail, raised in tech comms. All grown up working at their junction with a heavy dose of arts policy | Washington, D.C.