The Request: 100 Followers +

I will follow back for good

Cea West
2 min readFeb 3, 2023

Narrator: Meet Cea, a Medium writer on a mission to grow her following, and she has just one tiny request to make.

Cea: Hey there, Medium friends! Today, I’ve got a super fun task for you. Are you ready?

Medium Audience: (excitedly) Yes!

Cea: Great! So, you know how we all love to collect things, right? Stamps, coins, figurines…

Medium Audience: (nodding) Yeah, we do!

Cea: Well, it’s time to add another item to that collection — FOLLOWERS! And I have a rare, one-of-a-kind, limited edition follower that I’m offering you today.

Medium Audience: (intrigued) Really? What’s so special about this follower?

Cea: This follower (Cea) is truly special. She represents more than just a number, she symbolizes the power of connection and positivity. By following Cea, you’ll not only be part of a community that celebrates creativity, humor, and inspiration, but you’ll also have the chance to be a source of encouragement and motivation to Cea and others. I believe we can all make a difference in each other’s lives, and by following Cea, you’ll be part of that ripple of positivity that spreads across the world. So, let’s join forces and inspire one another, shall we? It’s completely free!

Medium Audience: (smiling) That sounds amazing! How do we get it?

Cea: It’s simple. All you have to do is follow me on Medium! And I promise to make every day a little bit funnier, a little bit more entertaining, and a whole lot more inspiring!

Medium Audience: (excitedly) We’re in!

Cea: Yay! I knew I could count on you guys. And as a token of my appreciation, I’ll be sending virtual claps and internet hugs to every one of you! Let’s grow this collection of followers together!

Thank You.



Cea West

Hello I am Cea, I love to use words to inspire and empower. From thought-provoking poetry to self-improvement articles, Follow for inspiration and motivation.